Common Sense Commentary

… recently published on this site.…
Date (links > PDFs) — Title (links > articles) — Topic:

July 20 — Incurious? — America’s press corps seems awfully uninterested in finding the precise details how the Trump assassination attempt could have gotten so far as it did.

July 19 — National Control — Paul Jacob on the latest numbskull notion from the nattering noodle.

July 18 — The Vance Plan for DEI — Paul Jacob asks and answers the key policy question arising from the biggest political stories of the last week.

July 17 — The Slope of Service — Paul Jacob tries to make sense of a massive government failure.

July 16 — A Cool Ninety Million — Paul Jacob on big Democrat donors holding out on Biden.

July 15 — Serious Times — Paul Jacob on the bullet dodged by Trump — and us all.

Donald Trump, shooting, assassination, media

July 14 — What We’re Reading [FYI]

July 13 — First-​Class Liars — Let us now praise infamous men. [Update]

July 12 — Spray-​Painting Stonehenge — Paul Jacob on modern monumental stupidity.

July 11 — The State vs. Homework — Paul Jacob on a bizarre intrusion into educational life.

July 10 — Degrading Democracy, CNN-​Style — Paul Jacob on the anti-​democratic media establishment.

July 9 — Jugglers & Clowns —Paul Jacob on seven words in Santa Ana.

July 8 — Up from Demoktesis — Paul Jacob on the next celebration.

July 7 — Not Term Limited — Swapping out Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic Presidential candidate is not easy. Standing in the way of a clean switcheroo is his wildly unlikable VP. [FYI]

July 6 — Sotomayor’s Quackery? — When the Narrative overwhelms even the tiniest remnant of historical context. [FYI]

July 5 — Noncriminal Advice Not a Crime — Paul Jacob on the marketing of legal opioids.

July 4 — A Declaration — Paul Jacob takes a cue from 1776.

July 4, 2023

July 3 — Is Milei Making It? — Paul Jacob on the turn-​around in the Argentine economy.

July 2 — The Court v. the Power Grabbers — Paul Jacob celebrates the end of the Chevron regime.

July 1 — Weekend at Biden’s — Paul Jacob wonders when the gaslighting will cease.

June 30 — They Were Lying — The “experts” who assured us that Joe Biden was savvy and with-​it and cool knew the opposite was true. Now they have been caught. Still, they pretend the revelation is new and out of the blue. [Update]

June 29 — Citizen-​Only Voting — North Carolina’s General Assembly overrides Democrat governor’s veto, sending measure to the citizens. [Update]

June 28 — Cold Truth — Paul Jacob surveys the continuing glaciation of the seventh (and most mysterious) continent.

June 27 — States Without Standing — Paul Jacob on how SCOTUS shivved free speech.

June 26 — Assange: Freedom & Statuary — Paul Jacob on the freeing of Julian Assange.

June 25 — Brace Yourself & Your Gun — Paul Jacob on another Second Amendment win.

June 24 — Natural vs. Regulated — Paul Jacob on the long history of milk.

June 23 — The Chinese Organ Market — Delaware seeks to educate its citizenry’s medical tourists on the nature of one country’s ghastly, if thriving, practice. [Update]

June 22 — Gain of Function Research Must Stop — Does the origin of the SARS-​CoV‑2 virus matter? [Update]

June 21 — Xi Excuses, Demands, Assaults—Paul Jacob on the threat freedom faces from China.

June 20 — Can’t Cancel J. K. Rowling — Paul Jacob on cancel culture trying to go high culture in Great Britain … over “trans.”

June 19 — A Second Life for Limits — Paul Jacob looks back and ahead on term limits.

June 18 — Leave Us Alone to Do Our Work — Paul Jacob defends freedom of contract.

June 17 — DEI Virally Decoded — Paul Jacob on new words placed on an old initialism.

June 16 — Bumped? [Update]

June 15 — The Duopoly Gonna Duop [Update]

June 14 — Of 15s and the Man — Paul Jacob on the POTUS’s latest implausibility.

June 13 — Trump to Ax Tip Tax — Paul Jacob on a possibly acceptable political proposal.

June 12 — Hunter’s Pseudo-​Crime — Paul Jacob on the total scam that is this week’s big story, the Hunter Biden gun-​possession verdict.

June 11 — Doctoring Malady — Paul Jacob on what medicine has in excess.

medicine, healthcare, medical care, hospital, doctors
“Doctoring Malady,” 6/​11/​24.

June 10 — Doxxing Dissent — Paul Jacob defends the anonymous dissident.

June 9 — David Boaz, 1953 – 2024 [obituary]

June 8 — The Curtilage? What’s That? — How governments get around the Fourth Amendment. [FYI Update] 

June 7 — Lily Loves Me —Paul Jacob on the sweet life.

property, rights, invasion, civil rights
“Against Government Invasion,” 6/​6/​24.

June 6 — Against Government Invasion — Paul Jacob cheers an advance in property rights.

June 5 — Regulatory Pressure? — Paul Jacob looks at the Supreme Court’s signals about government’s powers of “suggestion.”

June 4 — Sweden’s Electric Sense — Paul Jacob on a government giving up on unscientific energy.

June 3 — Exemptions, Not Repeal — Paul Jacob on progressive politicians dodging the inevitable bad consequences of their programs.

June 3 — Remember June 4 — Would you have stood against the tanks? Remember Tiananmen Square, June 4, 1989 [meme]

Tank Man, China, June 4

June 2 — What Would You Have Done? — Would you have stood against the CCP? Remember June 4 [meme]

June 1 — Who Is Chase Oliver? [Update]

May 31 — Threshold Crossed — Paul Jacob on the conviction of Trump.

May 30 — To Die for DEI — Paul Jacob on the planned decline in medicine.

May 29 — John Kerry, Super-​Villain — Paul Jacob on Jack Bauer’s grayest nemesis

May 28 — The Non-​Citizen Dodge — Paul Jacob highlights the Democrats’ voting rights hypocrisy.

May 27 — Memorial Day, 2024 [Meme]

May 26 — Voting for (and Booing) Trump — The Libertarian Party receives the former president. [Update]

May 25 — Oregon Counties Move to Idaho? — Secession and accession in progress. [Update] 

May 24 — Polylogism or Bulverism … or 1984? — Paul Jacob on what ism may be the root problem of our age. 

polylogism, Bulverism, logic, reality, debate, fallacy

May 23 — Vindication at the Gym — Paul Jacob on a lockdown conclusion … for good.

May 22 — The False Gospel of the Printing Press — Paul Jacob on the growing fad of MMT.

May 21 — Krauthammer’s Law — Paul Jacob on the nature of political disagreement in 2024.

May 20 — Letting DEI Die — Paul Jacob on MIT’s ambiguous retreat from trendy racist and sexist practices.

May 19 — The Mystery of the Death Drug [Update]

May 18 — On Its Last Legs? — The Atlantic celebrates the Biden administration’s rejection of Reaganomics. [FYI]

May 17 — Bills of Suppression — Paul Jacob on revived legislation ostensibly “for” the people but actually targeting our political speech.

May 16 — So Low — Paul Jacob on the curious case against Trump.

May 15 — Library Against Liberty — Paul Jacob on censorship, local-government-style.

May 14 — A Done Decision — Paul Jacob hazards a guess about a court’s conclusion.

May 13 — Pander, Please — Paul Jacob on the media’s worst, and a glimmer of hope.

Washington Post, ethics, Democratic Party

May 12 — Only Slightly Ratioed? [Update]

May 11 — Let’s Play “Who’s the Fascist!” [FYI UPDATE] 

May 10 — The French King Flip Flap — Paul Jacob on how to avoid becoming satirizable.

May 9 — ATF’s 115-​Year Mistake — Paul Jacob on the public’s right to know — and the accused’s.

May 8 — Junk Force — Paul Jacob speculates on the next job for government — or private industry.

May 7 — The Great Weed Fake-​Out — Paul Jacob observes that Biden’s done almost nothing to end cannabis prohibition on the federal level

May 6 — Inflation & the Infirm Incumbent — Paul Jacob turns to the stupid economy and its chief apologist.

May 5 — The Covidocene in Its Latter Days? — No longer freaking out, are we now accepting the harm done during the pandemic — because of our official policies? [Update]

May 4 — Something Fishy — China’s long tradition of poaching in “distant waters.” [FYI]

May 3 — Among the Ungovernable — Paul Jacob on where Donald Trump will be in late May.

May 2 — Second Amendment Privacy Act — Paul Jacob on a big win for gun rights.

May 1 — They Don’t Get It — Paul Jacob on Jerry Seinfeld’s explanation for why we cannot have (all the) funny things (we want).

April 30 — Hypocrisy’s Cash Value — Paul Jacob on our principle-​challenged politicians.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden, court, campaign contributions

April 29 — Criminal Discrimination? — Paul Jacob on criminalizing the avoidance of criminals.

April 28 — Extreme Protest in What Cause? [FYI]

April 27 — High-​Placed Rumors About Government Programs to Retrieve and Study Crashed UFOs [Update]

April 26 — So Horrible? — Paul Jacob on what the government won’t tell us.

April 25 — The CDC on Self-​Defense — Paul Jacob demands to see the data.

CDC, gun, statistics, Second Amendment, self defense

April 24 — Idaho Foils Foul Harvest — Paul Jacob defends an apparent abridgment of free trade.

April 23 — College Censors Squelched — Paul Jacob on a campus free speech win.

April 22 — Brave New Budgets —Paul Jacob on the newfound ability to painlessly cut government.

Denver, migrants, police

April 21 — COVID Response Under Fire [Update]

April 19 — Brussels Conference Squelched — Paul Jacob on ideological suppression in Europe.

April 18 — Less Oversight? — Paul Jacob on what politicians itch for the most.

Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan, Audit, spending, taxes

April 17 — Supermarket Slavery — Paul Jacob marvels at yet another dopey California scheme.

April 16 — What Pfizer Pfolks Got — Paul Jacob on what Big Pharma’s darling did on Tax Day. 

April 15 — Electric Class Warfare — Paul Jacob on who benefits from Biden’s EV push.

April 14 — Read Ludwig von Mises, Says Fighter, with Fury and Expletives [FYI]

April 13 — So, How Many U.S. Agencies Knew of the China-​built Coronavirus in Advance? Fifteen?!?! [Update]

April 12 — Erroneous About the Eclipse — Paul Jacob on the eclipse of popular knowledge of astronomy.

April 11 — GOP Fails on FISA — Paul Jacob on the pending failure of FISA reforms.

April 10 — A Celebrity’s Defiance — Paul Jacob on a brave defense of freedom of speech.

April 9 — Crime Fighters Give Up — Paul Jacob on the leading edge of policing culture.

Canada, Toronto, police, crime, prevention

April 8 — Eclipse — [meme]

eclipse, propaganda, truth

April 7 — Dare to Be a Daniel? [Update]

April 6 — Else, Nearly Anybody [Update]

April 5 — Words for Jersey Insiders — Paul Jacob on how a Democratic Party-​dominated state likes to operate.

April 4 — Dining Out on Cause and Effect — Paul Jacob on the latest casualties in the war against low-​paying jobs.

April 3 —  The RFK Challenge — Paul Jacob and how the mainstream reacts to criticism.

Joe Biden, censorship, surveillance

April 2 — The “We the People” Party Pooper — Paul Jacob on the travails of the Bobby Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential campaign.

April 1 — Awkward for Ideologues? — Paul Jacob confronts the welfare state. 

March 31 — Milei’s ‘Bloodbath’ [Update]

March 30 — Partisan Fear and Loathing Now Asymmetrical [Update]

March 29 — Bathroom Blundering — Paul Jacob on transgenderism trumping common sense in a public school. 

school, bathrooms, trans

March 28 — Richly Revealing — Paul Jacob finds meaning in the public aspect to a Trump case trial.

March 27 —  The Hail of It — Paul Jacob on two disasters, and what we can learn now from one.

March 26 — More Is Less — Paul Jacob thinks expanding voting “rights” can go too far.

March 25 — Monopoly versus Monopoly — Paul Jacob on the latest untrustworthy anti-​trust case.

March 24 — UPDATE — Porch, No Privacy

March 23 — UPDATE — The Birx/​Pence Factor

March 22 — Fifteen Days to Flatten America — Paul Jacob on the insanity of the pandemic response.

March 21 — Most Important Time Periods — Paul Jacob on the limited savvy of the Supremes.

March 20 — Violent Double Standard — Paul Jacob on selective prosecution, and a judge who noticed.

March 19 — TikTok Smoke But No Gun? — Paul Jacob on social media freedom and control. 

March 18 — The Milei Option — Paul Jacob on the cause of free-​market reforms in Argentina.

March 17 — UPDATE — Dangerous Drugs, Dangerous Wars on Drugs

March 16 — UPDATE — West Virginia Citizens

March 15 — Kids Paid to Propagandize— Paul Jacob on the latest combination of public schooling and brainwashing.

March 14 — Race-​Based Handouts? — Paul Jacob on the possible end of an era in race-​focused governance.

March 13 — When the CHIPS Are Weighed Down — Paul Jacob on how not to revive an industry.

March 12 — Unpresidential but Precedented — Paul Jacob on the inherent silliness of our rulers.

March 11 — School Choice Reform at Last — Paul Jacob on how to get school choice reform, somehow.

March 10 — UPDATE — The Breaking of the Corporate Woke?

March 9 — UPDATE — Blue Boston Democracy

March 8 — Stop the Work Stoppers — Paul Jacob on the government’s ongoing war on freelancers.

March 7 — The Colorado Gambit Crushed — Paul Jacob is not surprised that the Supremes stopped the Democrats.

March 6 — The Case of the Narrow Driveway — Paul Jacob on excessive fines in the cause of neighborhood standards.

March 5 — Did Steve Baker Commit Journalism? — Paul Jacob on more tyranny by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

March 4 — Pied Pipers, Again — Paul Jacob on Adam Schiff’s daring and disproven strategy.

March 3 — Update — School Lumber.

March 2 — Update — Google as a Powerful Evil.

March 1 — Utah and the Tenth — Paul Jacob defends federalism.

February 29 — States Still Have a Role — Paul Jacob on something big happening in Texas.

February 28 — Parties Demoted — Paul Jacob on a problem state’s problem primary election.

February 27 — Google’s Evil AI — Paul Jacob laments not even getting a chance to use the new online tool.

February 26 — The Shock of Surplus — Paul Jacob roots for Argentina and President Milei.

February 25, 2024 — UPDATE — It’s the Sun, Stupid 

February 23 — Hope for Campus Free Speech — Paul Jacob the legal profession’s iffy support for America’s most fundamental freedom.

February 22 — Panic at Sea Paul Jacob on the need to keep two wide-​open eyes on the CCP.

February 21 — Caveat Preemptive — Paul Jacob looks at the most recent Anti-​Trump legal maneuver.

February 20 — A Big Step Over the Vomit — Paul Jacob speculates on the reason a sports team left the imperial city) 

February 19 — Ban These Energy Bans — Paul Jacob on the steps some politicians will take to endanger civilization itself. 

February 18 — UPDATE — The Deep State’s Long History FOR & AGAINST Free Speech

February 17 — UPDATE — Special Use of COVID Fund for Illegal Immigrant Subsidy 

February 16 — Discrimination, California-​Style — Paul Jacob espies an attempt to worm around citizens’ lawful instructions of their government not to engage in racial or sexual discrimination.

February 15 — Paid Invaders — Paul Jacob on the influx of tax-​subsidized economic migrants … and worse!

February 14 — Crime: Police or Re-​define? — Paul Jacob on the latest ploy to keep black men voting “blue.”

February 13 — Shrinkflation, Shrunk Nation — Paul Jacob on our withered president’s latest pseudo-​policy-​pushing stunt.

February 12 — Amazon’s Wide, Flowing, Constricted River — Paul Jacob on the federal government’s war on ideas.

February 9 — Sympathetically Diminished — Paul Jacob on the decision not to prosecute our feeble president.

February 8 — Must Your Town Become San Francisco? — Paul Jacob on the crooked route to mass vagrancy.

February 7 — The Wider Conversation — Paul Jacob on a sex-​swap and its discontents

February 6 — Something to Protect — Paul Jacob on the need for privacy.

February 5 — The Vaxxers’ War on Truckers  — Paul Jacob on protest in Canada.

February 2 — Stop Causing the Next Pandemic — Paul Jacob on the looming plague oft-​prophesied, bought, and paid for — with our money.

February 1 — Pandemic Politics … or Poltroonery? —Paul Jacob on why the CDC didn’t warn us about the jab’s negative effects.

January 31 — The AB5 Agenda — Paul Jacob decries a revolution from the top … against workers.

January 30 — Unlimited Limits — Paul Jacob on yet another measure that lawmakers push to make modern life more totalitarian.

January 29 — SAD Regulators — Paul Jacob on the government-​planned American diet.

January 26 — Transient Stars — Paul Jacob on a recent wrinkle in the evolving UFO story.

January 25 — Home of the Surveilled — Paul Jacob finds the watchers who watch the watchers. 

January 24 — Milei Defends Capitalism — Paul Jacob on the case against the World Economic Forum’s statism delivered to the WEF at Davos.

January 23 — Market Rents Work in Argentina — Paul Jacob on Javier Milei’s campaign to open up the housing market to everyone.

January 22 — The De-​Frocking of Jordan Peterson — Paul Jacob on a setback in the war against the woke.

January 19 — Again Allowed — Paul Jacob on the freedom to speak without a license.

January 18 — GOP, ACLU, and NRA Together Again— Paul Jacob on a grand conjunction of groups usually light years apart. 

January 17 — Comic-​Book Isms — Paul Jacob on level and unlevel playing fields.

January 16 — Free to Petition — Paul Jacob on citizen activism to clean up the voters’ rolls.

January 15 — Dangerous Neighbor — Paul Jacob on Saturday’s election in Taiwan.

January 12 — The Economy Is Great-​ish — Paul Jacob on the wonders of Bidenomics.

January 11 — The S‑Word in California — Paul Jacob on what subsidy entails. 

January 10 — Goods, Services, and Other Crimes — Paul Jacob on the latest wacky weirdness of the immigration crisis.

January 9 — There Ought Not Be a Law — Paul Jacob on the sexual segregation of toys.

January 8 — Children’s Crusade Goes Forth — Paul Jacob on climate alarmism litigated.

January 5 — Enthusiasm for Extremism in Action — Paul Jacob on the Maine ballot ban.

January 4 — The “Racial Animus” Gambit — Paul Jacob on a strange element of Harvard’s former president’s futile self-defense.

January 4 — The “Racial Animus” Gambit — Paul Jacob on a strange element of Harvard’s former president’s futile self-defense.

January 3 — The Resignation — Paul Jacob on the pathetic end of an important public contest.

January 2The Citizen Threat — Paul Jacob on why Republican leaders help Democrats surveil and oppress their conservative constituencies.

December 29 — Division, Exclusion, Indoctrination — Paul Jacob explains how one state crippled the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” program in its higher education system..

December 28 — Sit Back, America? — Paul Jacob on that old-​time rock-​n-​roll armchair diplomacy.

December 27 — Can’t Eat Chips? — Paul Jacob on the limitations of current libertarian thought regarding foreign policy.

December 26 — Mostly Peaceful Indo-​Pacific  — Paul Jacob on the real cause of the conflict that is the coming war.

December 22 — Theft Thwarts Thieves — Paul Jacob on the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to the rescue.

December 21 Voting Unbound, Democracy UnhingedPaul Jacob scores the democracy being practiced in Washington, DC.

December 20 — Democratic Mountain High — Paul Jacob on Democrats’ latest attempt to stop Trump.

December 19 — Dollar Store Plague — Paul Jacob on Tucker Carlson’s bizarre recent elitist turn.

December 18 — The Crime of Mowing the Lawn — Paul Jacob bemoans industrial policy favoring electric motors and battery tech.

December 15 — Elections Overturned & Undermined — Paul Jacob on the dark underbelly of today’s democratic practice.

December 14 — Cold Climate in Hong Kong — Paul Jacob on the climate change we must worry about.

December 13 — To End the Great Declension — Paul Jacob on the meaning of Javier Milei’s success.

December 12 — Two Roadblocks, and Their Names — Paul Jacob on three politicians who balk at government transparency on the biggest stories of our time.

December 11 — A Great Big “Request” — Paul Jacob on the politics of population replacement. 

December 8 — Court Halts Imprisonment for Speech — Paul Jacob on a well-​placed bump on the road to a major injustice.

December 7 — Sikh Freedom First— Paul Jacob on the dangerous life he leads.

December 6 — The Great De-​Platforming? — Paul Jacob on Ted Cruz’s and Rand Paul’s biggest disagreement.

December 5 — Stop Thieves! — Paul Jacob on how and how not to fight against thievery.

December 5 — Die, Disney, Die! — Paul Jacob on putting down zombie companies that want to eat our brains.

December 1 — If/​Why — Paul Jacob on the ongoing stonewalling over an allegedly non-​existent set of phenomena, UFO’s.

November 30 — The Censorship Industrial Complex — Paul Jacob on the new revelations about how government contractors plotted to censor Americans.

November 29 — The Not-​Unintended Consequences — Paul Jacob on yet another bad California idea.

November 28 — ‘Hardly Peace’—Paul Jacob on the state of Sino-​World relations.

November 27 — Stuck With It? — Paul Jacob on the Pfizer lawsuit against Poland.

November 25 – 26 — Against “Leftards” — and FOR free speech!
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

November 24 — Disagreeing With Päivi Räsänen — Paul Jacob defends religious speech in Finland. 

November 23 — One by One — Paul Jacob on what counts.

November 22 — Untruth Speaker, Untruth Speaker — Paul Jacob on another teachable moment thanks to Donald Trump and his opponents.

November 21 — One for the Memory Hole? — Paul Jacob on the latest onslaught of censorship and de-platforming.

November 20 — The Outsider Who Won — Paul Jacob on the winner of the Argentinian presidential election.

November 18 – 19 — Cleaning It Up, Tyrant-​Style
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

November 17 The Bums’ Rush — Paul Jacob on how to clean up a big city from its putrid failures.

November 16 — Limits “Of” not “To” — Paul Jacob on free speech.

November 15 — Democratic Notion for Gotion — Paul Jacob sees hope in a mass firing.

November 14 — DeKalb Gas Stations DeKneecapped — Paul Jacob on a county ordinance bringing dystopian practices to Georgia.

November 13 — It Is and It Isn’t — Paul Jacob on America’s most confused (and lied-​about) government program.

November 11 – 12 — Living Under the Chinese Curse
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

November 10 — Domination by Pseudo-​experts — Paul Jacob on the shape that election interference took in 2020 and onward.

November 9 — Twelve-​Point Play — Paul Jacob on unprecedented unpopularity at the top.

November 8 — Why the Banks Are Failing Us — Paul Jacob on bad service as a policy. 

November 7 — Preparation HH Hornswoggle — Paul Jacob on today’s most consequential ballot measure.

November 6 — Of Stopgaps and Ladders — Paul Jacob on the looming federal government shutdown.

November 3 — The Homeschooling Surge — Paul Jacob grades a trend.

November 2 — Greed & the Innocent Owners — Paul Jacob on the bipartisan case against civil asset forfeiture.

November 1 — Justice & Consequences — Paul Jacob on the bleeding wounds that won’t be stopped by bleeding hearts.

October 31 — Theseus’ Ship Sure Rocked and Rolled — Paul Jacob on a classic rock band’s sad lawsuit.

October 30 A New Speaker Conjures — Paul Jacob on the new House of Representatives leader, Mike Johnson.

October 27 — Community Chest — Paul Jacob examines the cards that send us round and round.

October 26 — The C‑Word — Paul Jacob on the depth and persistence of corruption in the federal government.

October 25 — Stop the Chinazis —Paul Jacob on a new website dedicated to doing just that.

October 24 — The Ultimate Outsider — Paul Jacob on a politician’s plan to rescue a country from hyperinflation, stagnation, and decadence.

October 23 — Memester to the Pokey — Paul Jacob on the selective punishment of a partisan Twitter user.

October 21 – 22, 2023: After We Chuckle
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

October 20 — No Protection, No Duh — Paul Jacob on the assassination of RFK, Jr.

October 19 — Un-​Sportsmanlike Conduct  — Paul Jacob says stop ripping off the kids.

October 18 — Bill Gates Wants to Bury Trees — Paul Jacob on the latest silviculture debate.

October 17 — The $145,000 Virtual Fine — Paul Jacob on the long, meddling arm of the CCP.

October 16 — Amber Ebony Insanity — Paul Jacob decries the continuing rise of woke segregationism.

October 14 – 15, 2023: Insane in the Hillary Brain!
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

October 13 — Leverage & Resistance — Paul Jacob on the resistance in Republican ranks.

October 12 — Fiscal Protector — Paul Jacob on where our public officials heads are at.

October 11 — Unlisted Help — Paul Jacob on the tacit right governments lose track of.

October 10 — Insane in the Meme Brain — Paul Jacob on the ideas that rule Congress and the political elites.

October 9 — Why Criminals Commit Crimes — Paul Jacob promotes the common-​sense view of criminality.

October 7 – 8, 2023: A Few Pointers
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

October 6 — Don’t Fence Me In?  — Paul Jacob notes the political impetus for a specific type of construction. 

October 5 — Kick the Can — Paul Jacob on the Speaker of the House, old and new.

October 4 — America’s Mayor Celebrates Communism — Paul Jacob on the sad, sad spectacle of a major American leader cozying up to the CCP.

October 3 — Traditional Terrorism — Paul Jacob on the hallowed habits of leftist saboteurs.

October 2 — Mass (Private) Transit Paul Jacob on the future of getting there.

September 30 – October 1, 2023: Dysfunction from A to Z
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

September 29 — Paralyzed Man Moves — Paul Jacob on the miracles of modern medicine.

September 28 — Bad Math BaltimorePaul Jacob adds two and two together.

September 27 — A Gun with His Name On It — Paul Jacob on Trump’s odd predicament.

September 26 — The California Experiment — Paul Jacob anticipates the outcomes of Governor Newsom’s gruesome new imposition.

September 25 — Downshifting Before the Cliff — Paul Jacob on what the chief lemmings tell the under-​lemmings about the mandated mad rush.

September 22 — Methinks the Mayor — Paul Jacob on a politician who called for help, to protect Walmart from petitioners.

September 21 — Time and Money — Paul Jacob on the false economy of automatic voter registration.

September 20 — Campus Critic Defended — Paul Jacob on the transit forward for a case defending an academic’s freedom of speech.

September 19 — Two Libertarians, North and South — Paul Jacob on new developments on the anti-​totalitarian front.

September 18 — Northern Disclosure — Paul Jacob sees the CCP … everywhere. Because it’s in too many places.

September 16 – 17, 2023: Without These &#!*#@¿ Politicians!
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

September 15 — Must Known Musk  — Paul Jacob on freedom of speech and of the press in social media.

September 14 — Conservatorships Now! — Paul Jacob on the party of principle’s perfectly practical proposal.

September 13 — Swimming Against the Swamp — Paul Jacob on standing up for what you believe in — in politics.

September 12 — Balking at the Ban — Paul Jacob on fallout from the New Mexico Governor’s temporary gun-​ban “public health” measure.

September 11 — Will We Comply? — Paul Jacob on the return of 2020’s annoying COVID duo, Fauci and Trump.

September 8 — De- and Re-​certified — Paul Jacob on the persecution and triumph of a pandemic dissident.

September 7 — Overly Broad Stonewalling — Paul Jacob on the unraveling of the Deep State, one FOIA request at a time.

September 6 — Expulsion of the Sick — Paul Jacob on the latest unscientific response to the lingering pandemic. 

September 5 — The Tide of Theft — Paul Jacob on the approaching death of a great civilization.

September 4 — New Red Map — Paul Jacob on the Chinazis’ latest war-​like moves.

September 2 – 3, 2023: Such a Big Difference
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

September 1 — Publish and Not Perish — Paul Jacob on the most pointless of all government “intellectual property” crackdowns.

August 31 — Don’t Tread on Jaiden — Paul Jacob on flunking the public school authorities who were triggered by a flag patch.

August 30 —  The Chinese Biolab in California — Paul Jacob on a somewhat disturbing news story.

August 29 — Shrink Shrank Shrunk — Paul Jacob on the necessity of private property rights and the criminalizing of theft.

August 28 — Bashing Climate Change — Paul Jacob on fossil fuels as a boon to fighting climate change.

August 25 — Slasher Needs Slashing  — Paul Jacob on the horror movie that is California.

August 24 — Unspoken Contract — Paul Jacob on the US media acting as useful idiots for the Chinazis.

August 23 — Chalk One Up for Equal Treatment — Paul Jacob on free speech in street writing.

August 22 — Un-​Masking the Maskers — Paul Jacob on being betrayed by government medicine.

August 21 In Evidence  — Paul Jacob again checks the fact-checker.

August 19 – 20, 2023: What Vivek Said
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

August 18 — Election Challenge Criminalized? — Paul Jacob on the devil that went down to Georgia.

August 17 — Volcano Denialism — Paul Jacob on the weather we’re having, and the truth we aren’t hearing.

August 16 — It’s a Date — Paul Jacob on a major mistake made by his favorite GOP candidate.

August 15 — Violence on the Rise — Paul Jacob on the decay of democracy.

August 14 — A Very Special Prosecutor — Paul Jacob on the latest in the Hunter Biden case.

August 12: The watchdog that needs to go to the pound
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

August 11 — Outlawed But Unmoved — Paul Jacob retells the true tale of an unlicensed mover who shook things up. 

August 10 — Students Strike Back — Paul Jacob cheers on the fight against socialist college administrators.

August 9 — Donors Don’t Donate Their Privacy — Paul Jacob looks at a legislative effort in one state, and its merits for all other states.

August 8Time to Slap Grabby Hands — Paul Jacob applauds congressional action on civil asset forfeiture.

August 7 — Big-​Gov-​Google-​Plex — Paul Jacob on suit-​slapping the social media censors.

July 29, 2023: Vote “Aye” and Gomorrah
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

August 4 — Melting in the Force of Opposition — Paul Jacob on the snowflakes in government.

August 3 — Slow Murder Is Still Murder — 

August 2 — Accounting for Taste — 

August 1 — The Way We Censor Now — Paul Jacob on the crucial details of the regulated speech complex.

July 31 — Nineteen Seconds and Counting — Paul Jacob on the ends of “experience.”

July 29, 2023: Nobody Believes Anything Any Longer
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

July 28 — “You in Your Whiteness” — Paul Jacob on Canada’s continuing cultural decay.

July 27 — Not Having It — Paul Jacob on the curious (in)justice in the Hunter Biden case.

July 26 — Won’t Come A‑Knockin’ — Paul Jacob on the latest in IRS messaging.

July 25 — BBC Apologizes, Bankers Squirm — Paul Jacob on the latest example of woke corporations dividing society.

July 24 — Truth, Compassion & Forbearance — Paul Jacob doffs his hat on a sad anniversary.

July 22, 2023: In Praise of John Kerry?
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

July 21 — Counterintuitive? — Paul Jacob on newfound success in preventing success.

July 20 — Big Biz-​Big China Alliance — Paul Jacob on corporations that collaborate with totalitarians abroad to persecute the innocent.

July 19 — Haunted by the Specter of Mao — Paul Jacob finds the spook in Americans’ heads.

July 18 — Bless You, John Kerry — Paul Jacob wrings out his handkerchief and irons out his … ironies. 

July 17, 2023 — Austerity Theater — Paul Jacob on something worse than hypocrisy run (biked) rampant.

July 15, 2023: “If We’re Going Down, the Whole World’s Going With Us!”
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

July 14, 2023 — Infected by Politics — Paul Jacob on yet more evidence for the Lab Leak Theory of SARS-​CoV‑2 origins.

July 13, 2023 — The Sin of Skin Color — Paul Jacob on yet another victim of educators’ racist anti-​racism cult.

July 12, 2023 — The Bigger Boycott Before Bud LightPaul Jacob adds up a sportswriter’s telling numbers.

July 11, 2023 — Not Just a Border-​Line Case — Paul Jacob looks at who is coming to America through a porous southern border.

July 10, 2023 — First Amendment: Irrelevant? — Paul Jacob on the excuses for, and then the frank defenses of, censorship.

July 8, 2023: Variations on “Anathema”
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

July 7, 2023 — Thomas & Thomas — Paul Jacob on the key problem with relying upon racism to explain different statistical results among the races.

July 6, 2023 — Censors Cancelled — Paul Jacob on the latest in the case against social media thought suppression.

July 5, 2023 — China’s Many Rushdies — Paul Jacob on another Chinazi crackdown. 

July 4, 2023 — A Declaration — Paul Jacob clarifies where we stand, with decent respect and some prudence.

July 3, 2023 — Two Days & 50 Years — Paul Jacob celebrates a choice of celebrations.

July 1, 2023: They’re Experts on NOTHING!
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

June 30 — Affirmative Action Disaffirmed — Paul Jacob on the college discrimination case.

June 29 — Taken for Billions and Billions — Paul Jacob on why the lost loot.

June 28 — A Simulacrum of Solace — Paul Jacob on the new era of politics.

June 27 — Term Limits for Thee— Paul Jacob on the permutations of power.

June 26 — High Court Too Busy — Paul Jacob laments the latest on the degradation of free speech and freedom of contract rights.

June 24, 2023: How to Set Up a Dictatorship
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

June 23 — Dictators on Parade — Paul Jacob on what’s in a name.

June 22 — The Precedentedness of It All — Paul Jacob on what the federal government lacks.

June 21 — Google Can’t Have That — Paul Jacob on the American habit of censorship.

June 20 — Wannabe Dictator — Paul Jacob on the Tyrant Who Must Not Be Named.

June 19 — Freedom Festival— Paul Jacob on a celebration for the ages … and for all.

June 17, 2023: Be Smart?
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

June 16 — Guilty of Claiming Innocence — Paul Jacob on going gangsta on the gangstas in government.

June 15 — Patients Zero (1, 2, 3) — Paul Jacob on the origin of the coronavirus pandemic.

June 14 — After Anarchy, Sue! — Paul Jacob on the legal repercussions of 2020’s Summer of Love.

June 13 — Facing the Debt with Deceit — Paul Jacob on the trillion-​dollar coin’s past and future.

June 12 — The Cuban Missive Crisis — Paul Jacob on the latest reach of the Chinazis into the Americas.

June 9 — Just Say NO to the IRS — Paul Jacob on another scheme to increase the power and scope of the Taxman.

June 8 — Identified? — Paul Jacob on UFOs.

June 7 — People Lover — Paul Jacob on the over-​population myth and its tireless mythbuster.

June 6 — He Is the Eggman — Paul Jacob on the great fall a‑comin’.

June 5 — Look Around — Paul Jacob sees the “uncensored” free world waking up.

June 2 — Government Greed Swept in Double-​Header — Paul Jacob finds two good results in recent federal court rulings.

June 1 — Don’t Make It Easy — Paul Jacob on how to undermine civilization, one legging at a time.

May 31 — Look Who Took a Mile — Paul Jacob on the confessions of our pandemic overlords.

May 30 — Destroying (& Saving) Debate — Paul Jacob takes the negative on mandating Marxism in high school debate)

May 27, 2023: A “Minor” Monstrous Evil
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

May 26 — Dys Glitch — Paul Jacob on a minor problem bloated up to major dimensions.

May 25 — Apocalypse California — Paul Jacob on the self-​victimization of the powerful.

May 24 — Hollowed-​Out America — Paul Jacob on a Supreme Court Justice’s complaint against the politicians’ pandemic response.

May 23 — Survival Requirements — Paul Jacob on the coming rolling blackouts.

May 22 — No Laughing Matter — Paul Jacob on the world’s unfunniest political regime.

May 19 — Flush The White House — Paul Jacob pulls the lever on federal meddling in our plumbing.

May 18 — A Life of Meaning — Paul Jacob on honoring the man who may be the greatest of our age.

May 17 — Whose Brains Fell Out? — Paul Jacob sadly takes notice of Elon-​approved censorship on Twitter.

May 16 — Fifty-​One & Nine & Two — Paul Jacob on the latest in the Biden family corruption revelations.

May 15 — New York Vigil — Paul Jacob addresses fear and loathing on the New York City subway.

May 13, 2023: Even Non-​Corruption  Would Be Leadership By Default
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

May 12 — On the 1197th Day… — Paul Jacob heralds the end of the COVID crisis.

May 11 — Deadbeat California — Paul Jacob on a debt unpaid, and the unlucky folks forced to pay it.

May 10 — Here-​at-​Home Problem — Paul Jacob on not being too scared to talk about one’s enemy.

May 9 — Public TV Vetoed — Paul Jacob on a controversial move by Oklahoma’s governor.

May 8 — Big Guy, Little Guy— Paul Jacob on the biggest little corruption story of our time.

May 6, 2023: The Word Is Brazenness
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

May 5 — Incredulity Doesn’t Cut It — Paul Jacob on another local government playing Monopoly.

May 4Back-​Pedaling at the Speed of Lies — Paul Jacob on COVID leaders who now deny they led us astray.

May 3 — Debt for Pakistani Trans — Paul Jacob on yet another blip in the Wall.

May 2 — Freedom vs Force at Harvard  — Paul Jacob marks the formation of a new adult crusader group for free speech.

May 1 — Biden Brazenness Against Religion — Paul Jacob laments the religious war now escalating.

April 28, 2023: The Sacrament of Confirmation
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

April 28 — Pray Tell — Paul Jacob on the meteoric fall of Fox News’s biggest star. And ratings.

April 27 — Happier in the Moment? — Paul Jacob defends the young against abusive professionals, politicians, activists.

April 26Can They Do That? — Paul Jacob on the end of a tyrannical city inspection scheme.

April 25 — Rent-​Free in Oakland — Paul Jacob on the belated end of a class-​based pandemic program.

April 24 — Bioweapon — Paul Jacob on a virus used as a weapon to kill millions.

April 22, 2023 — Shot Heard ’Round the World
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

April 21 — Sticking It to the People— Paul Jacob on a city of people caught in the crossfire of politicians.

April 20 — It’s a Crime — Paul Jacob on a clear case of property rights infringed, and government doing little to prevent it.

April 19 — Queen’s Color Guard — Paul Jacob on the latest racist nonsense from Netflix.

April 18 — Make Them Pay — Paul Jacob on California ramping up socialism another notch.

April 17 — Censored Under Pressure — Paul Jacob on a lawsuit against corporate and governmental string-​pulling to squelch legitimate First Amendment rights.

April 15, 2023 — It’s So Over
[audio: SoundCloud] [video: Rumble]

April 14 — It’s Over But It Isn’t — Paul Jacob on the brain death of pandemic policy and politics.

April 13 — Do Anything — Paul Jacob on the extreme of term-limit-o-phobia.

April 12 — Trans-​Violent — Paul Jacob on kindness and love for trans — and arrests for trans activists.

April 11 — Partisanship & Pretense — Paul Jacob on the Tennessee ouster.

April 10 — A Package Deal — Paul Jacob on government censors walking the walk.

April 7 — Small District Democracy — Paul Jacob on the best reform.

April 6NPR’s Wide Stance — Paul Jacob stares into the maw of the media-​industrial complex.

April 5 — Down-​Shifted Demographics — Paul Jacob on a disturbing American trend and a related international one.

April 4 — Half-​Win for Forfeiture Victim — Paul Jacob tells a too-​familiar sad tale, but with a twist: a mostly happy ending.

April 3 — If It Can Happen to Trump — Paul Jacob reminisces about when he was persecuted by a prosecutor for political reasons.

March 31 — The Regime Shows Its Fangs — Paul Jacob speculates about the nature of evil. 

March 30 — Why We Fight— Paul Jacob on how the president can better recruit volunteers.

March 29 — No Mystery, Just Confusion — Paul Jacob hazards the lingo of the woke.

March 28 — The Giveaway Epidemic — Paul Jacob on politicians out of control.

March 27 — Assumptions Attack — Paul Jacob on an embarrassing drug bust and its artistic aftermath.

March 24 — Breaking the Jell‑O Mold — Paul Jacob discusses an independent’s latest declarations of independence.

March 23 — The Farmers Strike Back — Paul Jacob on the political fallout of a radical environmental crackdown.

March 22 — Doctor-​to-​Be of Theology — Paul Jacob on the cult of misguided expertise.

March 21 — Now and Then — Paul Jacob on a worthy March protest we should better remember.

March 20 — License for Leftists — Paul Jacob on the true alternative to subsidizing Marxist professors forever.

March 17 — Old Woke, Not New — Paul Jacob on the fundamentals of a failure.

March 16 — Politicians Revolt Against Voters — Paul Jacob on the problem politicians have hearing the voice of the people.

March 15 — Invitation to a Beheading — Paul Jacob tries not to gag watching the latest Democratic defense of censorship.

March 14 — Is It Still Capitalism? —Paul Jacob on the latest bank bailout.

March 13 — Can You Bank On It? — Paul Jacob on the business plan of a new bank.

March 10 — Don’t Destroy Farmers — Paul Jacob casts a weary eye upon anti-​agriculture policy across the water.

March 9 — Register the Critics! — Paul Jacob on a dark proposal to register political writing in the Sunshine State.

March 8 — Time for Truth Is … Now? — Paul Jacob asks what the FBI knew, and when did it know it.

March 7 — Alien National Capital — Paul Jacob on why non-​citizens shouldn’t vote, especially You Know Where. 

March 6 — Too Funny or Too On-​Target? — Paul Jacob on the demise of a YouTube channel devoted to ridiculing the Chinese dictator.

March 3 — Imprudent Skeptics? — Paul Jacob looks past China to … the U.S.

March 2 — They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? — Paul Jacob on enemies of popular government.

March 1 — Roald’s Revenge — Paul Jacob on the bowdlerization of kids’ books.

February 28 — Decreases & Increases & Krugman — Paul Jacob on diminishing returns from the Nobel Laureate.