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Imprudent Skeptics?

“For nearly three years, anyone asking whether COVID-19 originated as a lab leak outbreak was silenced and branded as a conspiracy theorist,” stated Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo), on Monday. “Now these prudent skeptics stand vindicated.”

While I enthusiastically support the bill he and Mike Braun (R-Ind.) introduced, the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, may I be excused if I get caught up on that term “prudent skeptic”?

Apparently Hawley means “skeptics” such as himself. But who are the imprudent skeptics? 

What would Hawley say should they be vindicated?

The bill, unanimously passed the Senate, would require the Biden administration to “immediately declassify all intelligence reports pertaining to the origins of COVID-19 and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” Hawley insists that we, the people, “deserve to know the truth.”

But is it a mere curiosity that neither he, in his above-quoted statement, nor The Epoch Times, in its article on the bill, finger any likely entity other than the Wuhan Institute for Virology and the Chinese government?

For, as noted here many times, the evidence of culpability for conducting dangerous gain-of-function bat coronavirus research in China does not point merely to the Chinese. 

It points to the U.S. Government, the offices of Dr. Anthony Fauci, specifically.

Hawley doesn’t mention that evidence, nor does The Epoch Times.

This is not to let China off the hook for the pandemic, a Debacle At Best. (I’m not known for being “soft on China.”) I bring this up because of the implication: we skeptics of the Zoonotic Origin Theory have not been pointing only to the Chinazis, but also to our own governmental conspirators.

Surely it’s not imprudent to be skeptical of our own government.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Imprudent Skeptics?”

“immediately declassify all intelligence reports pertaining to the origins of COVID-19 and the Wuhan Institute of Virology”

I don’t see how this requirement lets our government off the hook at all. While it appears to be a given that the virus originated in bats found only in China and that WIV was conducting research on these viruses, it is also apparent that Fauci and Company were funding the research. If all intelligence reports are declassified, then it stands to reason that the actions of many of our own public health bureaucrats will also be exposed.
We’re not just skeptical of our own government. Some of us are downright distrustful of all our public health and intelligence officials. Regardless of what China did, the damage to Americans’ trust in government was the result of lies and misleading statements by American leaders, in both the public and private sector.

I’m not saying that particular requirement let’s our government off the hook. What I’m saying is that Sen. Hawley and The Epoch Times, both good on the lab leak issue and US-China relations more generally, did NOT mention the collusion of the US Government with the Wuhan lab.

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