Accountability government transparency insider corruption

Six Million Dimes


“EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak should not be getting a dime of taxpayer funds,” declared Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R‑Wash.), “until they are completely transparent. Period.”

Nevertheless, “despite losing a previous award for failing to provide records essential to an investigation into that origin,” Daszak’s group is now slated to receive $600,000, The Intercept informs us.

While regular readers are well aware of what Rep. Rodgers calls “madness,” at’s The Post, Ashley Rindsberg refreshes our memories:

  • “EcoHealth Alliance is … responsible for funneling … US government grants to the now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology, considered by many to be the likely source of the pandemic.”
  • Still, “[Daszak] was the go-​to source for the American media as they sought to ‘prove’ that the lab leak theory was little more than a Right-​wing conspiracy. He also surreptitiously organised a letter in The Lancet, attempting to shut down the debate by labelling this potential origin as a ‘conspiracy theory.’”
  • “Most alarmingly,” Daszak “submitted a 2018 proposal to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that called for scientists to insert a furin cleavage site — a key distinguishing and extremely rare feature of SARS-​Cov‑2 — into SARS-​like viruses. In other words: a blueprint for making SARS‑2 in a lab.”

Instead of throwing money at EcoHealth Alliance (which would merely funnel it to a Chinese lab), invest in a thorough congressional investigation into how Dr. Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance, and co-​conspirator Dr. Anthony Fauci purposely obstructed the inquiry into the origin of a pandemic that has killed more than a million Americans and nearly seven million worldwide.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Six Million Dimes”

An investigation would be nice, but it’s also pointless. It won’t change anything because there is too much money to be made by too many people with this mRNA ‘shot’ which does nothing that a ‘vaccine’ is supposed to do. Now the CDC is saying that the jab should be required for all school-​age children. The individual state governments will now follow suit and make an ineffective and unnecessary shot a requirement before a child can go to school.. The damage has been done.

From Thomas L. Knapp

“ January 14, 2022 at 3:32 pm
“Let’s hope that Fauci’s cover-​up was merely of a dangerous policy that would end in disaster and death, and the ruination of his reputation, not a genocidal conspiracy worthy of taking to The Hague for prosecution as a crime against humanity.”

Odd that you leave out the third, far more likely, alternative: That it was a stupid policy which had no results whatsoever vis a vis the appearance or spread of COVID-19.”

Pam, as you know, in reply to Mr Knapp, I wrote “To see that as a third alternative, rather than as a sub-​case of the first, one must lose sight of the avoidable deaths from things other than COVID-​19 caused by the policies. For example, one must disregard those in the Third World starved by lock-​downs in the First World.” 

Moreover, where Mr Knapp elsewhere made his actual argument for seeing a laboratory leak as improbable, I explained that his argument implicitly assumed a long-​standing presence of laboratories that could produce such a virus; but such laboratories are a recent innovation in the history of illness. (Before 1942, no self-​sustaining nuclear chain-​reaction was man-​made, but it was none-​the-​less unlikely that the explosion at Alamogordo was a natural event.)

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