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The Leading Edge of Higher Ed


“People are paying tons of money to be kept out of the real world … being taught by people most of whom have never even worked in the business world. It’s kinda crazy.”

Well, yeah. There’s a lot of crazy in modern college life.

Which is one reason to work around it. That’s what Isaac Morehouse — quoted above — has done.

Morehouse is the founder of Praxis. You may have heard him on The Tom Woods Show or seen him interviewed on Fox News. “The mindset of ‘obey the rules, follow procedures, chase credentials, chase grades, and wait to be told what to do and you’ll be handed this magical ticket to a job,’” Morehouse told Fox’s Tucker Carlson, “it’s just not true.”

His alternative is simple: leverage the apprenticeship idea, combine it with counseling and instruction, and arrange with participating companies a guaranteed job at program’s end.

Our college system deserves a failing grade. Colleges sponge away fortunes (often borrowed) from students, while neglecting to train them to do much of anything but … college work.

This means not only that college grads have trouble finding work, but, as Mr. Morehouse discovered before he hit upon the Praxis idea, there are many, many companies trying to hire competent workers, but unable to find them.

A market opportunity!! Praxis unites demand and supply, connecting companies needing smart, energetic, cooperative workers with willing, eager young folks seeking meaningful (and well-​paid) employment.

You can find a good overview of his effort — and a way to sign up! — at discoverpraxis​.com.

Praxis’s testimonials are inspiring.

As the future should be.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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5 replies on “The Leading Edge of Higher Ed”

Although delightful, not at all surprising. The normal and expected result of a matchmaker, this time for employment, directly working to fill the needs of both parties who are moving voluntarily in their own interest. 
It is not revolutionary, it is the free market, and remarkable only because it is rarely seen in educational services sector. 

Perhaps companies trying to hire competent workers, but unable to find them, might have more success if they would stop requiring the credentials provided by the educrats, and instead hired based on ability and experience.

Bill, credentialism, and the dependence on outside educratic awards, is an unintended consequence of the regulatory and legal system. Individual and subjective determinations are discounted as dependence upon such is commonly found to be “discrimination” and actionable.  Large entities, governments, school districts and many other employers have stopped making judgements based solely on perceived individual merit due to their fear of the consequences. Once bitten, twice shy, more bureaucracy and less efficiency.  That is called social progress, and is a way station on the road to serfdom. 

‘willing, eager young folks’

willing — check!
eager — check!
young — oh well, I tried.

Worked many years in a profession without a degree.   Today that’s not enough.
I saw the interview and it’s how I started out.   We went through a two-​year training program. 
Three months of classroom followed by on the job application.    The class was a mix of people with only a high school diploma, others with varying levels of college.   Only a few had a degree. Those days are gone.

The problem is the subsidy and thus oversupply of college graduates. If education was treated as it should be, an investment of an individual in themselves and to be pay for as they go, and as necessary it would have remained as it was for you. 
Market manipulation NEVER works out well in the long run. 

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