
Townhall: Mass Protests Against Massive Failure

Millions of people, around the world, are taking to the streets, to protest … what?

Could they possibly have legitimate gripes? Yes. Do they? Mostly. Will the protests do any good? Open question.

All this and violence, too, at Townhall​.com. March on over, then rush back here for more reading.


Townhall: 33 Billion Balloons in a Strange Land

So, what country are we living in, today? Well, it’s explicable, if absurd — explicable in terms of the old “Cui bono” idea, of incentives and disincentives; absurd because of … well, click on over to Townhall​.com, read this weekend’s Common Sense column, and see. Then come back here for further limning of the absurdist status quo.:


Townhall: It’s not about drones

The key issue of last week’s great Rand Paul filibuster was not drone technology, as such, but whether those who run the government will accept the rules of the Constitution. That’s the message from Yours Truly this week on Townhall. Read the column, then come back here for some more links to further facts and opinion.


Townhall: Barack Obama and the Teachable Wage

This weekend’s Townhall contribution from Yours Truly expands on a point made here on Friday: Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor … so why not press the point?

For your further consideration, including extensive work on the racial effects and racist origins of minimum wage laws:

There is of course a long history and bibliography on the economics of price floors like the minimum wage.

free trade & free markets links

Townhall: The Next Thing in Money

More about Ziggy?

This weekend’s Townhall column takes off on a subject broached here at This Is Common Sense last week. But there’s a lot more to it, so check it out. And come back here if you want a complete, easy-​to-​access full list of the column’s links:

For further reading, please consider: