Common Sense general freedom

Happy New Year — 2025

“We have it in our power to begin the world over again. A situation, similar to the present, hath not happened since the days of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world is at hand, and a race of men, perhaps as numerous as all Europe contains, are to receive their portion of freedom from the events of a few months. The reflection is awful, and in this point of view, how trifling, how ridiculous, do the little paltry cavilings of a few weak or interested men appear, when weighed against the business of a world.”

—Thomas Paine

Common Sense video

A Truce

This commentary, Common Sense with Paul Jacob, usually deals with man’s inhumanity to man — man’s insanity to man, oftentimes. But on this Christmas Eve, let’s for just a moment focus squarely on some beautiful days of sanity and humanity that somewhat magically broke out of the ugliness of “total war” back eleven decades ago: World War I, “The Great War.”

Let’s remember the good times.

The Christmas Truce
History Channel
A Sign Of Friendship In The Midst Of War I
The Great War
Christmas Truce of World War I 
Joyeux Noel /​ 2005 film (video, 13:35)

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob. Merry Christmas!

See all recent commentary
(simplified and organized)

See recent popular posts

Common Sense

Thanksgiving 2024

Links to the past:

2009: “Paul Jacob says ‘Thank You.’
2011: “Plymouth’s Great Reform
2012: “A Rafter of Turkeys
2013: “Give Thanks for First World Problems
2016: “Thanksgivings, 1623 A.D.
2017: “Ingrates of the Fourth Estate
2018: “My thanksgiving is perpetual.” 
2020: “The Saddest Thanksgiving
2023: “One by One

Common Sense

The African

The best manure for the land is the foot of the owner.

Quoted by Aristotle, who cites this saying to “The African,” whose words were cribbed by Benjamin Franklin — all explained by Arthur Latham Perry in Principles of Political Economy (1891).
Common Sense

Cackling Into the Future

In September 2019, Paul Jacob offered “Chortling Evil,” in which he checked in on a would-​be President Kamala Harris in full campaign mode. Now that she is back in that full-​chortle mode, let us review:

On her campaign website, Harris assures us that should Congress fail “to send comprehensive gun safety legislation” to her “desk within her first 100 days as president”  she would “take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe.”

Included in such a demanded “comprehensive” bill is “universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and the repeal of the NRA’s corporate gun manufacturer and dealer immunity bill.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden, on last Thursday’s Democratic presidential candidates’ debate stage, challenged the notion of executive orders to ban assault weapons. At issue? Constitutionality. She smiled wide, all teeth and bright eyes, with “Hey, Joe, instead of saying, ‘No, we can’t,’ let’s say, ‘Yes, we can.’”

And she laughed and laughed.

But aside from mocking the idea of abiding within the limits of the Constitution, what else has Kamala Harris supported?

Well, for one she has supported the Democrats’ lashing out at the gig economy, and at freelancers and contract workers in general. She was on the list of opponents of California’s measure to strike down AB5, the Democratic-​dominated Assembly law to do just that:

[A]ll the listed opponents of this measure were politicians, including our current Vice President (then Senator) Kamala Harris as well as socialist Bernie Sanders.… Paul Jacob, “The Ultimate Legislature,” September 7, 2021.

Of course, it is not policy that takes center stage any longer, but politics and wild maneuvering. It is not just now, after the June 27th debate debacle and the July 13th assassination on presidential contender Donald Trump. The strange proceedings against Trump in case after case has been called “lawfare” — political warfare under cover of law — and former prosecutor Kamala has boasted that she would be likely to prosecute Trump after she is elected! The vendetta is strong. And the ugliness. Here is a sample from the recent past:

“This Judge,” the former president wrote on his own social media site, “by issuing a vicious ‘Gag Order,’ is wrongfully attempting to deprive me of my First Amendment Right to speak out against the Weaponization of Law Enforcement, including the fact that Crooked Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and their Hacks and Thugs are tracking and following me all across the Country, obsessively trying to persecute me, while everyone knows I have done nothing wrong!”

To them, Orange Man’s very existence is “wrong,” and the thing they most want is Trump to shut up. So, in the course of a trial upon a subject combining campaign finance regulations with more prurient interests, a judge gagging the defendant from speaking in public about his prosecutors is … well, convenient. For them. 

The prosecution is arguably an attempt to silence Trump; gag orders remove doubt. And allow the Empire State to exact the punishment before the trial concludes.

The prosecutors and politicians and major media propagandists who are aghast at Trump’s charges aren’t exactly saying that what Trump says about the judge’s daughter (that she “represents Crooked Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff, and other Radical Liberals”) is false

They object … because … what he says makes them look bad.

Paul Jacob, “Richly Revealing,” March 28, 2024.

Kamala Harris looks and sounds bad in general, and the substance of her badness will only get more obvious as we approach the Democratic Convention. Will she stay as the Democratic candidate to “beat Trump?” Comedian Dave Smith and outré historian Joseph Farrell are among the many voices that predict she will not be chosen at the convention.

What do you think?

Common Sense

All a‑Twitter About Kamala

The Obamas just gave Kamala Harris their endorsement. But before you rush to the Babylon Bee to get the taste of it out of your mouth, take a look at when Paul Jacob noticed a past connection between the pols: “Sen. Kamala Harris successfully bears aloft the banner of Barack Obama.” But by “banner” Paul meant “lie”! See “The 79¢ Lie,” October 8, 2019. See also “Why Lie?” May 22, 2019.

While the press does a full-​court praisefest for the Vice President, we all  pretty much remember that she was originally picked for the rôle not because anyone liked her but because she fit the intersectional boxes as a woman of color. Paul asked the multi-​million-​dollar question, though: “How important is the color of a person’s skin or their ancestry or the skin color of their spouse to that person’s fitness to be president?” Find out his answer in  “Birth of a Twitterstorm,” July 2, 2019.

Speaking of Twitter (now known as X), Kamala Harris once demanded that Donald Trump be thrown off the platform. See “Twitter Abuse,” October 4, 2019. Update: Trump was thrown off Twitter, following the events of January 6, 2021. He is now back on X. 

In “Into and Out of the Muck,” August 2, 2019, Paul Jacob wrote of the humiliating takedown of Senator Harris by Representative Tulsi Gabbard. How times have changed, however, now that Democratic Party insiders and the corporate media have anointed Harris as their party’s standard-​bearer for the presidency in the general elections next November.

Oh, and don’t forget The Babylon Bee on Barack Obama’s endorsement!