
Richard Hanania

I particularly reject what I call “ideaism,” which is the belief that you can explain the world by looking at what thinkers have said or ideological doctrine without knowing all that much about historical or policy specifics.

Richard Hanania, “Against Ideaism” [Hanania Newsletter, Substack], October 24, 2023.

1 reply on “Richard Hanania”

So in his story or her story, what is his theory? When he ascertains what hisstory is and what policy was, who does he listen to? There is a theory of history that says it should not just be his story but also her story. And not just the story of the winners but also the story of the losers. But alas, I have lapsed into “idealism.” While the gentleman attempts to act his way into right thinking, I’m going to think before I act. I think that makes me an idealist.

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