ideological culture meme moral hazard national politics & policies


I’m With the Herd!

I'm With Her, I'm With the Herd, Hillary Clinton, slogan


Original (cc) photo by Jason Hollinger on Flickr


free trade & free markets general freedom ideological culture meme moral hazard nannyism national politics & policies too much government

If they can do it, why can’t we?

In Europe, some large programs (like “free” healthcare and college”) appear to work for some countries and are a complete disaster for other nations. In many southern European nations, citizens look on state provided healthcare with horror, and make every effort to insure that they don’t have to depend on that system.

American progressives are strangely incurious about what makes some systems work and other systems crash and burn. In many cases, the explanation is cultural and institutional. (As it happens, Scandinavians had a well-established culture of hard work and self reliance and social cohesion, which is what made the establishment of a large welfare state even possible. When the Scandinavians began their ambitious welfare programs, it was a point of honor among many to NOT USE IT. This attitude has been eroded over time).

The Scandinavian models also have had better success rates because they have focused on maintaining a VERY FREE business environment, with corporate taxes LOWER than are found in the US, and limits placed on unions (a practice that would be abhorrent to the average American progressive).

When large government programs are established in the U.S., they quickly become bloated, inefficient and corrupt. The government is currently $21 trillion in debt.

Why not demonstrate that they can do the job they already have before being given control of the healthcare industry (an estimated 1/5 of the economy)?

Opponents of the progressive welfare state believe that considerable damage could be done to the American system (which has always been a powerhouse of innovation and expertise), and many people could be hurt.


Accountability folly general freedom ideological culture meme moral hazard nannyism national politics & policies

Two Headed Beast

More War, More Cronyism, More Corporate Give-Aways, More CrowdedPrisons, More Taxes, More Regulations, More Drug War, More PoliceMilitarization and Civil Rights Violations, More Assaults on Free Speech, More Economic Bungling, More Debt, More Control, More Corruption.

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Godzilla, beast, business as usual, presidential, meme, illustration, collage


meme nannyism national politics & policies

Robert A. Heinlein on Political Labels

“Political tags such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”

–Robert A. Heinlein


presidential, election, control, government, Heinlein, meme, illustration


government transparency ideological culture meme national politics & policies too much government

Hannah Arendt

“No one has ever doubted that truth and politics are on rather bad terms with each other.”

—Hannah Arendt
(in her 1967 essay, “Truth and Politics.”)


Hannah Arendt, Truth, politics, quote, quotation, meme


Accountability Common Sense folly general freedom ideological culture media and media people meme national politics & policies too much government

More Common Sense from Tom Paine

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right.”

Quote (from Paine’s “Common Sense”) verified here.

Tom Paine, Thomas Paine, quote, quotation, wrong, right, meme, illustration