Accountability government transparency ideological culture

Pandemic Politics … or Poltroonery?

Fear was a major theme — and ploy — during the pandemic. But it’s looking now like the people we have been told to rely upon for our safety are themselves moved by fear. They’re cowards, poltroons.

The Centers for Disease Control wrote an alert in the thick of 2021’s “vaccine” rollout, warning of the dangers of the Moderna and Pfizer jabs.

It was never sent out.

“In the May 25, 2021, email, exclusively obtained by The Epoch Times, a CDC official revealed why some officials were against sending the alert,” explains Zachary Stieber. You see, while an alert to health care professionals using the official Health Area Network system made complete sense, one CDC official gave a clue to her colleagues’ hesitance: “people don’t want to appear alarmist,” you see.

What did we who took the jab risk? Heart inflammation, or myocarditis. The CDC knew this early on.

But did not warn us.

Now, from listening to Dr. John Campbell on YouTube and Rumble, we have learnedlot more (if not in time in 2021) about the myocarditis threat. The takers of the modRNA treatment who are most at risk are those who engage in strenuous exercise soon after inoculation (which explains why the bulk of the afflicted have been boys and young men in the prime of life). Or so I last heard. I am certainly no doctor; I merely rely upon doctors to advise me.

And those doctors, in turn, rely upon official sources of information like the CDC. 

Who did not advise them properly.

Who worry too much about “appearing alarmist” and not enough about relaying the best information.


This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Pandemic Politics … or Poltroonery?”

Let’s explicitly note that those who felt that the benefits of these injections out-​weighed the costs could have offered two pieces of advice that would have prevented much harm: For two weeks after receiving one of these injections, take special care to avoid infection. For a month after receiving one of these injections, avoid more than moderate physical exertion. 

Here I’m just pointing to advice specific to avoiding ill effects of the injections, on the assumption that one is going to receiving one. As for me, as soon as the President began promoting the idea of requiring a “vaccine passport”, I felt that my duty as an American was to refuse to receive an injection.

The damage to the CDC and public health bureaucracy is permanent. It was also self-​inflicted. All who lived through the lockdowns and fake ‘vaccines’ will not soon forget. All warnings about the next ‘deadly’ virus will be met with a shrug. The deep state forfeited credibility in its quest for power. There’s no going back.

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