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Hillary Disinformation Hunt

Paul Jacob reviews Mrs. Clinton’s latest demands.

Have you heard? It’s open season on disinformation.

Disinformation spewed by Hillary Clinton, that is.

Mrs. Clinton has escaped jail time for all her previous crimes, whether committed singly or in partnership with her husband. But now we are going to have a brand-​new crime to charge her with. And boy, is she a serial offender!!!!!!

The irony is, we would not even be able to charge anybody with this new category of crime — if indeed we’ll be able to; there’s still some controversy about it — but for the contempt of Hillary Clinton and politicians like her for the First Amendment rights that a large minority of Americans hold so dear.

Hillary Clinton, on MSNBC: “I think it’s important to indict the Russians … who were engaged in direct election interference.… But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrent.”

Yes, Hillary Clinton “got away with” everything else. But can she get away with all her lies and, let’s face it, downright disinformation, certainly heavily disseminated by her around election times? 

Heck, even if the new category of criminal offense won’t be applicable retroactively, thus giving her a free pass for the last umpteen years, are we in any danger of running out of actionable Hillary disinformation going forward? Does a leopard change its spots?

Maybe she’s counting on selective enforcement.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Hillary Disinformation Hunt”

Hillary doesn’t merely want selective enforcement. She and the other leaders of the corporate left want inconvenient propositions treated as disinformation even if plausible or true, so that any attempt to defend them would result in civil or criminal penalties. Lies from the commanding heights of culture would then be still better insulated than now.

You’re not saying Clinton isn’t free to express any cockamamie opinion she likes, are you? That would be, well, not really libertarian…

Hillary has a double Teflon coating. As a woman and a leftist, Hillary can do no wrong. Any ‘disinformation’ you find will be deemed ‘an honest mistake’.

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