“Where’s Hunter?” Donald Trump asks in front of his pro-Trump rallies (and of course on Twitter), referring to Joe Biden’s son and his cushy Ukrainian sinecure.
From the beginning of the Phone Call quasi-scandal, the upshot sure seemed to portend disaster for the Democrats, in general, and Biden’s presidential bid in particular — for, nested in the secrecies of Ukrainian corruption are not only the ties to the Biden Family Biz, but also perhaps to the conspiracy behind the Russiagate fizzle.
Surely, President Trump cannot kill two birds with one phone.
Impeaching him, however, still seems risky — for Democrats.
Mark Tapscott explored just how perilous by focusing on what might happen in the Senate, after a House impeachment. “Trump’s defense lawyers for the trial will have wide latitude to call witnesses and subpoena documents,” wrote Tapscott in late September.* “That could lead to devastating blows damaging Democrats for years to come, which possibility they would be foolhardy not to ponder seriously, given Trump’s love of political fisticuffs.”
Can the party of Big Government afford to publicize the most obvious lesson coming from their hyping of the Phone Call?
The lesson being that the undrained swamp is nothing other than Crony Capitalist Politics As Usual.
No matter how divisive all this may seem, it may prove awfully educational — in the case against Big Government.
Bob Hope had a funny punchline, way back in the Eocene: “Boy, did I get a wrong number.”
In impeaching Trump over a phone call, Democrats may have dialed their destruction.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.
* See “Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy,” The Epoch Times (September 29, 2019).
See all recent commentary
(simplified and organized)