As January closed, the CIA changed its story on the origin of the SARS-CoV‑2 virus.
But was it big news?
Most people had given up any hope of finding a natural origin, and evidence favoring the virus’s creation in Wuhan, China — partly funded by U.S. taxpayers courtesy of Big Pharma bureaucrat Dr. Antony Fauci — has been clear for a very long time.
So the CIA saying it now “believes” that COVID-19 was leaked from the Chinese lab looks, suspiciously, like a convenient change of opinion upon the beginning of the 47th presidency.
New beliefs for a new president!
Note that the CIA certainly offers plenty of reasons to make light of the turn.
- The agency expresses “low confidence” in the new opinion.
- The spokesman admits that no new evidence was behind the shift.
- The spooks say they continue “to assess” both theories of coronavirus origination.
Very political.
The change of mind looks like this: the CIA had pushed the natural origination story because it had an agenda, and Americans have largely given up on that agenda. Left pushing a wet noodle, the CIA now tries to recover some of its cachet — or prevent further erosion of public opinion in the institution — by siding with the once-derided belief.
And the “low confidence” warning is there to allow mainstream news media to downplay the story. The whole thing smacks of propagandistic manipulation rather than honestly informing the president, Congress, the Pentagon, or the American people.
Oh, and what of that agenda?
Let’s just say that the agency always seeks to keep us ill-informed.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.
Illustration created with Flux and Firefly
See all recent commentary
(simplified and organized)