
Townhall: Flavor-​of-​the-​Month Leaves Bad Taste

What Democratic presidential candidate Mayor Buttigieg repeatedly offers as a bold new idea is contradictory, and, because of that, dangerous. 

For your kids’ lives and liberties. Click on over to this weekend’s column.

Please give the government a piece of your mind.


Weekend With Basketball: Big Woman on Campus

Gender equality — a concern that has come to sports. 

Click on over to this weekend’s scoring of arguments, then come back for a few more free throws:


Charity vs. Gum-Flapping

This weekend at Townhall: real help as more meaningful than political posturing. Click on over, to read Paul’s Sunday column, if you haven’t already. But make sure to come back here, to donate (see below)!

And speaking of real help: you can give, too. Do not let the President’s caving to political bullying dissuade you from contributing to a good cause. Special Olympics is mostly funded voluntarily, by people like me and you.

Picture credit: ‘One of my all-​time favorite drawings. It is a cherished gift from artist Reginald Coates. I met him doing my “community service” with mentally disabled adults at Arkansas Easter Seals.’ — Paul Jacob


Court-​packing Pols

The Democrats have their eyes fixed upon the prize: the Supreme Court. They are even making promises. 

Click on over to Townhall​.com, then come back here for even more of their plans.


Townhall: Dear Fellow Peasant

The core idea behind the institutions of representative government — state legislatures, city councils, Congress — is that lawmakers, sometimes referred to as “representatives,” should endeavor to implement “the will of the people.”

Right? Stop laughing. 

To be such a ‘servant of the people’ necessarily entails knowing the public’s preferences.

Hmmm. How to find out what people want? Or don’t?

Dear Fellow Peasant,” by Paul Jacob, Townhall​.com, March 17, 2019

Click on over to Townhall to read the whole column, with information on initiative and referendum controversies in North Dakota, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington State.


Townhall: Socialist-​ic

This weekend at Townhall: The rise of self-​proclaimed socialists within the ranks of the Democrats is alarming. But is it only tragic? Might not it be a little bit comic?

Here you can find some context:

Elizabeth, Warren, bogeyman, government, anarchist, illustration, meme, Common Sense