It wouldn’t surprise me if Tiffany McHugh, former director of the Foothills Christian Church Preschool in San Diego, wishes now that she had been running a preschool in a slack state like Florida.
Florida doesn’t penalize such malefaction.
It doesn’t even prohibit it. Yes, things have gotten pretty bad in states like Florida. They let the two-year-olds breathe: unthinkable! The policymakers in these states apparently labor under the presumption that the COVID-19 pandemic is not Bubonic Plague 2.0 and that, for kids, the risk of serious COVID-19 disease has always been very low.
Well, in California they take these risks seriously!!!!!!!
The Golden State’s Department of Social Services has shut down the preschool McHugh was directing and pulled her license. The problem? She couldn’t get the tykes to stay masked.
“There were a lot of children who were just too young to wear masks,” McHugh confesses,“they pull them off. It’s really difficult.”
This makes it sound as if she didn’t even try handcuffing the kids so that they could not remove their masks. Talk about dereliction of duty.
Other area preschools have not been similarly targeted, and so many suspect selective enforcement. But hold on. When you’re going after flouters of regulations, somebody has to be brought to book first.
Rest assured, all other San Diego and California preschools will be outlawed momentarily.
McHugh’s school has appealed the decision to ban her forlife from working with children. The hearing will be held on February 11.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.
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