general freedom ideological culture

The Pivotal Issue

A recent video about vaccination passports brought to mind an old parlor game: “If you could go back in time, would you kill Baby Hitler?”

Most civilized people realize the moral problems of this thought experiment. Sure, Baby Hitler grew up to be Nazi Führer Hitler, a mass-​murderer worthy of assassination. But young Adolf wasn’t a monster. Yet. 

Moreover, every step on the way to becoming a monster was accompanied by situations in which civilized people could have stopped the coming horrors without murdering a child:

  • World War I was a choice (or set of choices).
  • The Versailles Treaty was a choice.
  • The Weimar Republic hyperinflation was the result of bad decisions.

More interesting than Killing Baby Hitler would be a parlor game about who could have stopped each horrific event that went into the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich. What decisions could they have made that would have changed history?

The point of these counterfactual exercises? To learn how to make better policy.

Such as in a pandemic, when governments are expanding their power over citizens with lockdowns and business shutdowns and mask and vaccine mandates. While in America many such mandates are being struck down as unconstitutional, beyond the authority of officials, in Germany and Austria vaccine passports are going into tyrannical effect. 

We need to take seriously the warning in the video mentioned at top, This Pivotal Moment. Stop vaccine mandates. Reverse the mandates in effect. Abolish internal passports. Resist this tyrannical notion of a two-​tier society.

In Europe, masses of people have taken to the streets in defiance.

Open defiance is also necessary here … in “the land of the free.”

That’s how you stop Baby Hitler.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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7 replies on “The Pivotal Issue”

Many people have tried to stop this madness. The problem is not just government. We have big media and social media actively censoring people who believe there are better ways to fight the COVID monster. Researchers and public health officials are threatening to cut off funds to those who think there is a better way. Pharmacies are refusing to fill prescriptions written by licensed physicians for alternative treatments to fight this virus. (Why? Because many are inexpensive and represent a threat to big pharma’s profits.) It’s not baby Hitler that threatens us. We have a hydra with its own goals. It may have good intentions but it will destroy us all.

Newcomers should be told that Pam is a troll who disappears when her arguments are exploded, only to resurface in comments to later entries, pretending that she hadn’t been hit below the water-line. 

There were no vaccine passports for polio, and polio doesn’t have significant animal reservoirs, unlike SARS-​CoV‑2.

On the other hand, when the German state began restricting the Jews and other minority populations, one of their supposed justifications was control of disease. And the reaction of the everyday Nazi — not someone running a concentration camp, wearing jackboots, marching in a parade, or smashing windows but the everyday Nazi — was to treat anyone who objected as an idiot.

And now the Germans are doing the same thing again. Only this time it’s not aimed at the Jews. It’s aimed at the “unvaxxed”.
They are talking about abandoning the Nuremburg code and reinstating some of the Nazi medical protocols.
Whatever happened to “Never Again”?

The idiots ARE running the asylum. Polio is not dead. It’s just been renamed. Tranverse Myelitis, Guillain-​Barre’ syndrome, Aseptic Meningitis.

To put a stop to adult Hitler without killing baby Hitler, it would only be necessary to kill adult Woodrow Wilson, the man most responsible for WW-II.

Without Wilson’s empire-​building entry to WW‑I, the conflict would have been a draw, there would have been no Treaty of Versailles, no Weimar collapse, no soapbox for adult Hitler to orate from, no WW-​II, no nuclear weapons, no cold war, and America would STILL have been the Last Man Standing. I hope Wilson is being barbecued in Hell at this moment.

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