This weekend’s Townhall contribution from Yours Truly expands on a point made here on Friday: Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor … so why not press the point?
For your further consideration, including extensive work on the racial effects and racist origins of minimum wage laws:
- “Sense and Nonsense on the Minimum Wage,” by Donald Deere, Kevin M. Murphy, and Finis Welch, Regulation 1995 No. 1
- “Herman Cain on Obama’s call for higher minimum wage,” Herman Cain interviewed by Neil Cavuto, Fox Business
- “The Economics of the Colour Bar,” by W.H. Hutt
- “Minimum Wage Escalation,” by Thomas Sowell, Hoover Institution pamphlet, undated
- “Eugenics: Progressivism’s Ultimate Social Engineering,” by Steve Horwitz and Art Carden, Freeman
- “Krugman and a Critic on the Minimum Wage,” by David Henderson, EconLog, February 16, 2013
There is of course a long history and bibliography on the economics of price floors like the minimum wage.