Second Amendment rights

A Terrible Accusation


In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, much of the self-​righteously impassioned rhetoric about gun control carries an accusation: those who oppose further gun curbs are “allowing” children to be murdered.


None of the newly proposed gun and ammunition bans — all of them old proposals, of course — would, if put in place long ago, have prevented the atrocity in Connecticut.

A more cogent indictment spotlights supporters of gun control. For politicians who have long believed they can halt all acts of violence and save lives by outlawing this weapon or that or limiting ammo clips, what does it say that they did nothing?

“The first two years of the last Obama administration,” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told NBC News, “Congress and the Senate and the White House were all in the hands of the Democrats and they did nothing.”

According to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Bloomberg’s “point is well taken.”

Connecticut Congressman John Larson argued that, “To do nothing in the face of pending disaster is to be complicit.”

President Obama first suggested that elected officials, afraid of the gun lobby, put their own positions ahead of the safety of six and seven year old children, stating, “[W]e’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.”

In short, even when politicians believe their gun grabbing will save lives, they won’t act to protect those lives if it might risk their political position. They act or fail to, not on principle, but on their own political benefit.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a rational, constitutional step toward reducing the risk of a future massacre.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

6 replies on “A Terrible Accusation”

Let me see if I get this: 

The “Democratic” Crime Family’s babbos, cafones and comares whose treasonous, recidivist, co-​serial-​rapist Hot-​Springs Arkansas sub-​borgata’s legacy is to have Jamie-​Gorelick-​Walled in the New-​York-​City to a single-​brick lay-​down-​misère certainty a bunch of psychopathologically-​hesperophobic “Democrat” wannabes with box cutters could successfully mount multiple mass-​murdering attacks on the world’s greatest-​ever nation, will provide a solution to its “american” Criminal Liberties Union having turned all of the criminally insane loose upon our streets? 

This despite we already have all the solution we need. In our nation’s founding fathers having left no-​one in any doubt a well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed? 

And that the problem last week at Sandy hook — as on September 11 2001 — was not that there were too many guns — but too damned few!

We currently have over the over 20,000 gun laws in this country. No single one can be listed as ever preventing a crime by an individual intent on creating havoc. As President Ronald Reagan said, “You won’t get gun control by disarming law-​abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time … it’s a nasty truth, but those who look to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience.”
It is unfortunate that liberal politicians believe (or pretend to believe) that the answer is to take weapons away from honest citizens, and do little or nothing halt or punish the criminal use of firearms.

Texas is doing it right, letting all teachers carry guns. With 20 to 30 teachers packin guns there would be very few fools willing to committ to suicide with few extra dead to justify the news exposure.

Te left does nOT respect the Constitution, although they employ its protections whenever it serves “their” purposes. Their concept of a constitution would be one where the government “gives” us our rights & they would create a littany of new rights… all subject to government regulations & authority. Our Constitution tells them our rights belong to each & every one of us as they have even before the nations founding. Not one of his proposals actually would have changed the outcome in Conn. The guy learned Mom planned to commit him, & he went ballistic. He even confronted school teachers earlier in the week. WHY didn’t anyone in the mass media report extensively on that? Police were NOT notified, so they could not intervene & Mom got no heads up so she could take protective actions. He “stole” the guns. He was a criminal & deranged.

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