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Today in Freedom

On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress un-​​tabled the Lee Resolution and voted to sever ties with the Kingdom of Great Britain.

One year later, to the day, Vermont became the first American territory to abolish slavery.

Thought of the Day

Mumblers I hate; so plainly speak your fear.

Gnaeus Naevius (c. 270 – c. 201 BC), quoted by Festus, 424, 27.
— Gnaeus Naevius

Steal This Meme

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Your gift to Common Sense with Paul Jacob is fully tax-​deductible. Contributions of any amount are always appreciated! Many thanks for your support.

Memes (refresh for more)

Editorial Art

Paul Jacob has been writing columns published every Sunday at Townhall​.com since 2003. Over time, more and more of those columns will be archived here. Come back for more!

  • The one-​in-​a-​million problem (10/​16/​2011) — There’s something special about politicians. That’s why they should be made less special.
  • Occupied America (10/​09/​2011) — Another upheaval of protest. Should it, too, be dismissed as “astroturf” and “partisan”?
  • The Soulless Opposition (10/​02/​2011) — One problem with partisanship is surely the tendency to look at your opponents as the embodiment of pure evil.
  • Think Longer (9/​25/​2011) — A republic is run by its people. Tell that to the folks in government.

More 2011 columns: Townhall, 2011

2008 columns (just started archiving!): Townhall, 2008

general freedom international affairs meme Today

Remember June 4

June 4, 1989

See all recent commentary
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