folly meme

Net Neutrality Lunacy

“The very same government that couldn’t even build a functional website and leaked massive amounts of personal data while doing it just took over the entire Internet.

And people everywhere are telling me that places like Amazon (a company that can deliver almost anything to my door within 24 hours with the click of a button) are making the Internet less free.

Raving, barking lunatics.”

—Justin M. Stoddard

Get a high-​resolution screensaver of this image. Click on the image below to open large version that you can download.



The Problem With Socialism…

“The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

—Margaret Thatcher

For a high resolution version (perfect for use as a screensaver), click on the image below to open in new window. Also, please do feel free to share with your friends. Spread the seeds of liberty!

The Problem With Socialism



Heinlein: Fire and Fusion

“…like fire and fusion, government is a dangerous servant and a terrible master. You now have freedom — if you can keep it. But do remember that you can lose this freedom more quickly to yourselves than to any other tyrant.”

—Robert A. Heinlein,
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress


Click the thumbnail image above to view at full size, and then “right-​click” or “control-​click” to download for use as a screensaver or desktop image. And please do feel free to share with your friends!


Read the White Rose Leaflets

“Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be ‘governed’ without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct.”

Click here to read a complete collection of the White Rose leaflets

White Rose

Click the thumbnail image above to view at full size, and then “right-​click” or “control-​click” to download. And please do feel free to share with your friends!


Protesting the Nazis in Munich, in 1943

A brother-​and-​sister team of anti-​Nazi activists were arrested on this date in 1943:

To download the full image, click it [above] to view it first in a separate window; download it from there.

Read their pamphlets at our Library on This Is Common Sense.


Sartre: Equal Liberty

“I cannot make liberty my aim unless I make that of others equally my aim.”

—Jean Paul Sartre

Jean Paul Sartre on Equal Liberty

Click the image above to view it in a separate window, at full size; feel free to download and share.