general freedom international affairs

Dictators on Parade

The day following Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s “successful” visit to China, wherein the Chinese rulers agreed to start talking to U.S. officials again — well, except on trivial military-​to-​military stuff like the PLA playing chicken with our fighter jets and naval ships in international waters — President Joe Biden made a whopping foreign policy faux pas: he told the truth

To a camera-​less roomful of big Democratic Party donors out in California, the leader of the Free World called Xi Jinping, the un-​term-​limited totalitarian atop the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a “dictator.”

Xi is reportedly upset. 

“This threatens to reverse the recent efforts to improve U.S. ties with China,” CBS Mornings co-​host Tony Dokoupil lamented. The Communist capo “might fit the textbook definition,” he added, “but you don’t often hear an American president use the term.”

Joe is not wrong. CCP-​run China is a genocidal regime with zero respect for individual rights, human life, its word, the truth … need I go on? … threatening military invasion against its neighbors.

Yet, rather than the dictator label, what probably angered China’s Chief Butcher most was President Biden’s claim that Xi had been clueless about their spy balloon traveling across the United States — until the U.S. military shot it down. 

Nobody told him? Biden dubbed it “the great embarrassment for dictators.”

How does Biden know — from personal (wannabe) experience? Or from many corrupt dealings with Xi’s regime?

Let’s put our priority on military preparedness, rather than name-​calling, but the first order of business in dealing with the Chinazis is not the relentless pursuit of “good relations.” 

It is remembering with whom we are dealing.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Dictators on Parade”

It is long past time to realize two things …
1. The ChiComs are heIIbent on world domination.
2. Appeasement has never been a successful strategy, and it never will be.

“Let’s put our priority on military preparedness”

Military preparedness for what?

Military preparedness for anything resembling an actual “national defense” would imply a cut of perhaps 90% in the military budget and abandonment of stupid stunts like trolling the Chinese in the Taiwan Strait.

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