crime and punishment international affairs Regulating Protest

Crackdowns For Lockdowns

Politicians and bureaucrats like some protests, fear others. 

You can tell a lot about a protest movement and its actual agenda by how a government reacts. You can tell a lot about a government by how it instructs police to respond to different protests.

So we should probably take a careful look at anti-​lockdown protests around the world, especially in Europe.

And how police are handling them.

Very violently.

Nils Melzer, Professor of International Law at the University of Glasgow and the current United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, has “requested more information on an incident in which a female anti-​lockdown protester in Berlin was grabbed by the throat and brutally thrown to the ground by riot police,” reports Paul Joseph Watson of Summit News

The response to Melzer’s request was “overwhelming, with over a hundred reports of violence flooding in,” Watson summarizes, citing a report in Berliner Zeitung.

While examples of police brutality are viewable on Twitter, YouTube, and other social media, reportage in America seems muted, perhaps thanks to our lockstep pro-​lockdown corporate media.

“Something fundamental is going wrong,” Melzer says. “In all regions of the world, the authorities are apparently increasingly viewing their own people as an enemy.”

There is no mystery. Lockdowns, mask mandates, and mandatory vaccinations amount to quite a holistic assault on personal liberty.

While protests that demand more power for the state, or that would increase the security of the ruling faction, get treated with kid gloves, protests directed against state power, or against a sitting regime — and especially against such a power grab — get cracked down upon.

It’s stands to reason, but not justice.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Crackdowns For Lockdowns”

Of course we are the enemies of people in power. Our votes and our resistance are a threat to their hold on power and all the fringe benefits that power brings. Cushy retirements, ‘jobs’ as news contributors, or fellowships at think tanks are all theirs for the taking, to say nothing of the book deals (payoffs) for books that few people will read.
The problem is that there is little reason to care about what is happening. Que sera sera. In the words of a lawbreaker who was never punished: what difference, at this point does it make?

You notice almost no mention of the vast protests in Europe and the UK on US MSM?
Something tells me that if they try major lockdowns here, the response is going to be quite different than last time. I think they know it, too.
“May you always live in interesting times.”

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