education and schooling ideological culture

Kids Paid to Propagandize

“You get paid good.” 

So said one student when asked “Why should students join CFJ?”

How well-​paid? $1,400, for learning to fight for “racial justice” and “social justice.” 

Parrot left-​wing propaganda, that is.

The activist group Californians for Justice has paid at least 78 public high school students a total of around $100,000 to take CFJ’s ideological training. Another $20,200 has gone to parents for participating.

The training apparently does not include lessons in independent thinking or assessing alternative viewpoints, such as the view that “social justice” is typically a euphemism for collectivist injustice.

One teacher, who preferred to remain anonymous lest she lose her job, told The Free Press that it’s helpful to know what students think “would help them learn better, but” the students were “obviously reading scripts that have words that they don’t know how to say.” One trainee advised this teacher that students would “come to class on time if we built relationships with them.”

Another teacher in the district, agreed that “CFJ is not helping students find their own voices.… They’re teaching them parroting … the exact opposite of how you empower children.” 

The focus on “racial justice” is manifested in CFJ’s own recruiting: its website reports that CFJ has “trained hundreds of youth of color in Long Beach to be community leaders and organizers.” Why only “of color”?

The training is not funded by strictly voluntary donations, of course. Long Beach Unified School District has been subsidizing it, using taxpayer dollars. The district has already given CFJ nearly $2 million.

The whole operation stinks to high heaven. But they’re “paid good.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Kids Paid to Propagandize”

“Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, ‘social justice’.”
― Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice

In my view, ‘social justice’ should be regarded as a form of revenge. Maybe not one of the deadly sins, but still condemned in the Catholic faith as a violation of the Fifth Commandment.

Governmentally supported indoctrination and free speech remains under attack, both in the US and also in Canada. Canada is considering the “Online Harms Act, Bill C‑43, would allow a potential punishment of five years to life in prison for advocating genocide, and two to five for the willful promotion of hatred.
Canada is being asked to adopt thought crime, and PM Trudeau is supporting it.
One has to wonder what the Hamas supporters and the MSM commentators in opposition to Trump think of this, and whether they will be counseled not to have any gatherings or give speeches in Canada.

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