general freedom international affairs

Big Biz-​Big China Alliance

Cisco is in trouble, again, for a reason that many American technology firms should be: for aiding and abetting the tyranny of the Chinese government.

Cisco may have thought it was out of the woods after a lawsuit against it, originally filed in 2011, was wrongly dismissed in 2014. The litigation has just been revived by an appellate court.

The suit pertains to the company’s sale of software called Golden Shield to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Golden Shield is used to track down members of the popular and peaceful Falun Gong spiritual movement so that the CCP can persecute them as subversives (as proved by being part of Falun Gong). For the Chinese regime, all dissent and all activity it disapproves of are threats to national security.

Arrestees are tortured, imprisoned, even murdered, and the lawsuit contends that Cisco knew the ultimate goals that the software would serve. (The culpability of Cisco, Thermo Fisher, Microsoft, and other firms that abet CCP oppression is discussed with sarcastic brio by the YouTube channel China Uncensored.)

Ninth Circuit Judge Marsha Berzon states that the allegations are “sufficient to state a plausible claim that Cisco provided essential technical assistance to the [persecution] of Falun Gong with awareness that the international law violations of torture, arbitrary detention, disappearance, and extrajudicial killing were substantially likely to take place.”

The revival of this lawsuit and its ultimate resolution will deter, I hope, all U.S. firms from helping the Chinazis to systematically destroy innocent people.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Big Biz-​Big China Alliance”

For whatever it’s worth, I note that both Circuit Judges who rule in favor of the plaintiffs were appointed by President Clinton and are 78 and 89 years old respectively; whereas the District Judge who original dismissed the suit, and the Circuit Judge who dissented from the majority in the ruling on appeal were appointed by President Obama, and are 71 and 61 years old, respectively. Plausibly, as older judges leave the bench, courts will be decreasingly sympathetic to plaintiffs in such cases. 

I’d also warn any prospective viewers of China Uncensored that in this video, as in most, Chris Chappell engages in considerable verbal pirouetting before getting to the point.

Business is business. What if all US firms refuse to help China track down dissidents? They’ll simply shop elsewhere. Surely a European tech company has a similar product, probably used by law enforcement to track down criminals. We once had trading blocs. The West didn’t do business with Communist countries. We certainly didn’t give them our technology. Those days are gone.

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