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Back-​Pedaling at the Speed of Lies

“Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down,” challenges Dr. Anthony Fauci. “Never. I never did,” he told the New York Times last week.

We sure are a long way from the heady days when he proclaimed, “I am the Science.” It’s more like in the book of Genesis, where Cain asks the great rhetorical question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

In other words, Fauci’s trying to set the record … crooked.

For Fauci was the Authority that bolstered all the advice from the Centers for Disease Control and elsewhere, urging mask mandates and lockdowns and what-have-you.

Now, he is doing more than back-​pedaling. He is shifting blame. Blame for failed policies.

But he’s not alone in this. For The Epoch Times, Petr Svab notes another famous back-​pedaler: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten. Watch Ms. Weingarten declare on C‑Span, “We spent every day from February on trying to get schools open,” but click that link and read the Twitter crowd-​sourced fact-​checks, showing how that’s … deceptive:

We still argue about how much COVID leaders lied during the heat of the panic. I advised, at the time, to give them a little leeway.

Regarding policy, that is.

Not lying.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Back-​Pedaling at the Speed of Lies”

Science is advanced when the last best theory is proven wrong. Clearly these “scientists” have been proven wrong and have formulated a new theory which they think can replace not only their last theory, but their past as well.

Shifting blame but keeping the cash.
Because blame might call into question the blatant conflict of interest from his royalty fee on every single vaccination.

All future statements from the public health establishment will be doubted and even discredited as a result of their actions during the pandemic. There is no going back. Once broken, trust is not easily repaired.

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