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COVID Cover-Up Criminal

On February 11, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci participated in a conference call with about a dozen scientists. The nation’s highest paid government bureaucrat was told that the quickly spreading COVID might have leaked from and even been created in the Wuhan lab, which the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID, which Fauci heads) was funding, in part, through EcoHealth Alliance. 

What did Fauci do?

He worked mightily to discredit the idea.

That is, he engaged in a cover-up.

Last week, Senator Rand Paul asked Fauci about all this. Indeed, he posed a number of very specific questions, and got — for his trouble — generalities and counter-assertions from Fauci. 

The trail of evidence linking Peter Daszak of EcoHealth and Anthony Fauci of NIAID to the gain of function research (along with a Chinese plan to release “novel chimeric spike proteins” into Chinese air with the alleged aim of infecting bats) has been confirmed on the Pentagon end — Senator Paul referenced work by Project Veritas that performed this service. 

There’s really little question that gain-of-function was developed in Wuhan at the instigation of the Daszak-Fauci team. And that it was done despite DARPA’s reluctance, despite U.S. law. 

Let’s hope that Fauci’s cover-up was merely of a dangerous policy that would end in disaster and death, and the ruination of his reputation, not a genocidal conspiracy worthy of taking to The Hague for prosecution as a crime against humanity.

But everyone knows that cover-ups imply criminality. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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5 replies on “COVID Cover-Up Criminal”

The Hill, which is by no means part if the right-wing alternative media nor otherwise on the fringe, has begun speaking fairly frankly about some of Fauci’s grossly inappropriate behavior. The present mainstream narrative is approaching its crisis.

The Hill has also tried to prepare a relatively soft area for the Democratic Party and corporate left to crash-land, but they’ve gone much too far. They weren’t just behaving thoughtlessly; they were grabbing for totalitarian power.

What will come of this? Absolutely nothing. The man is 81 years old. He makes more than POTUS annually. If he ever retires, his annual pension will be almost $400,000. Why isn’t there a mandatory retirement age of at least 70 for federal bureaucrats? Coverup may imply criminal intentions, but justice will never be done in this case.

The word ‘pandemic’ appears in the latest (2020, fiscal year September) annual financial report of the US government 131 times.

The word ‘pandemic’ was in there once in the report for 2019, which came out in early 2020.

The word ‘pandemic’ was never used in this report from 1998 to 2017. It first appeared in the report for 2018, which came out in early 2019. It appeared in the regular “Statement of the Comptroller General,” which was dated March 28, 2019, in the text below.

“Also, large events, such as natural disasters, pandemics, cyberattacks, military engagements, or economic crises, are not considered in the Statements of Long-Term Fiscal Projections. To the extent that such large events occur, the actual future spending may be greater than spending in these projections.”

When did Fauci et. al. know about gain-of-function research risks? When did this whole thing start?

“Let’s hope that Fauci’s cover-up was merely of a dangerous policy that would end in disaster and death, and the ruination of his reputation, not a genocidal conspiracy worthy of taking to The Hague for prosecution as a crime against humanity.”

Odd that you leave out the third, far more likely, alternative: That it was a stupid policy which had no results whatsoever vis a vis the appearance or spread of COVID-19.

To see that as a third alternative, tather than as a sub-case of the first, one must lose sight of the avoidable deaths from things other than COVID-19 caused by the policies. For example, one must disregard those in the Third World starved by lock-downs in the First World.

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