
Scott Adams

So what do you do if you don’t know? How do you manage your risk if you don’t know? … The thing that you can default to is freedom. Because the one thing we know is that if we were to lose our freedom to anything, screw it: we’re out of here. Right? We’d all just close the planet and starve to death. If we lose our freedom we don’t even want to be here. 

If you say to me ‘I can give you your freedom back but there’s a one percent change that you’ll die,’ I’m in; I’ll take my freedom. ‘I’ll give you your freedom back but there’s a one percent change your grandmother might die a few years early,’ I’m in; ‘sorry, Grandma.’ I’m gonna talk to Grandma, first, but you know what? She agrees. Grandma doesn’t disagree. Grandma wants me to be free; Grandma wants to be free.…

If you don’t know what’s the right thing to do, you have to default to the primary human needs. And we have a primary human need for freedom.

Real Coffee with Scott Adams, Periscope Episode 1151, Trump Slaughtermeter Pinned 100%. Swiss Coronavirus Mystery. Who Reversal.

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