Accountability national politics & policies

The Obvious Itch


We are not idiots.

We can see where a political program is heading before it is actually unveiled, right?

I know, you know: we are supposed to wait for the first actual piece of legislation to see the light of day before we criticize the agenda.

But that puts us at a disadvantage. Insiders can spend a lot of time working up new mandates before they reach a critique-​able form. And during that incubation period, the ideas are out there, developing, gaining momentum. Festering.

What am I talking about?

Well, this: our rulers wriggle in delight, contemplating shooting us all with the vaccine being cooked up for SARS-​CoV‑2. Mandatory vaccination! We repeatedly hear, from the respected elected, that we cannot fully “re-​open society” until the vaccine.

I cannot help having doubts: folks with badges and guns may soon demand that we be prevented from traveling, going into restaurants, buying food at supermarkets, or going to a movie theater or baseball game or church (!) until we get vaccinated … these “folks” … the Nancy Pelosis and Donald Trumps and Anthony Faucis … they are part of a system that has been spending tax money and borrowing to spend more and more and in this cause have already racked up trillions and trillions in public debt. 

They didn’t bother protecting us from that.

The obvious itch to shoot hurriedly concocted biological agents into all our bloodstreams will definitely be pitched as “for our own good.”

But the pitchers who itch have no standing. Until they clean up their past messes, why would we trust them to accurately measure future consequences?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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