
A. J. Wilson

[T]he progress of the human race must be measured by the progress of the individuals composing it. Manly independence, the true spirit of freedom, cannot be drilled into men and women, as a squad of recruits can be taught to march and shoot, at the word of command. When, therefore, a nation deserts its birthright, and, instead of cultivating manliness in the individual, flies to what it calls the “State,” or to combinations, leagues, unions, to do for it this and that, it is, generally speaking, making progress backwards, and putting its future in peril. The honeyed sentimentality of much of our modern Socialism is, no doubt, sweet to the taste, but its effects are deadly. Close at the heels of the Socialist stalks Anarchy, and Anarchy has never yet in the history of the world been crushed save by the heel of the despot.A. J. Wilson, introduction to Yves Guyot, Labour, Socialism and Strikes (1896).

1 reply on “A. J. Wilson”

A. J. Wilson, was prophetic about the Scourages of Socialism in his introduction. We can certainly see its total manifestation in today’s Democratic Party.

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