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Pulling It Off


Give democratic socialism a chance? 

So says Dr. Cornel West, the “provocative democratic intellectual” who serves as one of eight honorary co-​chairs of the Democratic Socialists of America. 

This accomplished Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy at Harvard University, and Professor Emeritus at Princeton, explained to Fox News host Tucker Carlson that socialism’s “fundamental commitment is to the dignity of ordinary people and to make sure they can lead lives of decency.”

“What happened in Venezuela?” Carlson asked West. “They called that democratic socialism. But they don’t have toilet paper and it’s less equal than ever.”

“But part of the problem is though, brother,” the professor responded, “that any time there [have] been attempts by ordinary people to engage in self-​determination, they can get crushed by external nations. Look at U.S. policies toward Venezuela [which have] been very, very ugly — Nicaragua in the same way.”

West offered nary a specific to his charge, but was handy stating his conclusion. “So, we have never had a chance to really pull it off,” the “it” being socialism. 

“So it’s only been a movement so far.”*

How convenient.

West implicitly acknowledges that those ruling Venezuela and Nicaragua are practicing socialism. But he won’t hold them or the ‑ism responsible for the economic collapse, the hunger, the exodus of millions of very desperate “ordinary” citizens, the arbitrary arrests, use of torture and murder of innocent citizens. 

Dr. West, a follow-​up question: Just what specific U.S. policy triggered these socialists to murder and torture their own people?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

* Dr. West also announced that socialism “is not an ‘ism,’ brother.” I think the professor needs to take a course in ism-ology.

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Photo by Gage Skidmore

2 replies on “Pulling It Off”

Facts never can dissuade zealots, especially the utopian collectivists, because their love of their planned paradise eliminates history, relational thought and human nature from their consideration. 

I don’t think his argument is unfounded, set aside the efficacy of socialism as a system for a minute, not to mention its assault on liberty. The fact is that every socialist revolution is funded by bankers. Bankers expect return. And the return is centralization so that the entire new regime can be financed. In that sense, the socialism ends up being “capitalized”, and is doomed from the start. Utopia is not achievable, so maybe we should just focus on actually lifting up the poor, stopping endless wars to impose our sickness on everyone else, and promote liberty at every turn. Those things are achievable, why don’t we try that?

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