
Townhall: Stupid Mandates to the D.C. Degree


At Townhall, Paul discusses the latest wonder of regulation in our imperial city. Click on over. Then come back here for more detail. Details such as.…

The District has decreed that the directors of any licensed “Child Development Centers” or day care, in non-​bureaucratic nomenclature, must have a “Bachelor of Arts (BA) in early childhood education or a BA with at least 15 semester credit hours in early childhood by Dec. 2022.”

The regs also mandate that “teachers” have at least an “Associate of Arts (AA) in early childhood education or an AA with at least 24 semester credit hours in early childhood by Dec. 2020.” What the non-state’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education calls “assistant teachers” must have a “Child Development Associate (CDA) by Dec. 2018.”

Of course, not all day care is performed in perfect, state-​of-​the-​art child development centers. Some folks throw caution to the wind and simply keep other folks’ kids in their home.

They’re quite sensibly known as “Home Caregivers.” They still need a license, however, and the helpful D.C. regulations order them to garner that piece of paper known as a “Child Development Associate (CDA) by Dec. 2018.” Indeed, so must the people dubbed “Associate Home Caregivers.”

Additionally, an “Expanded Home Caregiver” is ordered to obtain an “Associate of Arts (AA) in early childhood education or an AA with at least 24 semester credit hours in early childhood by Dec. 2019.”

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