ideological culture national politics & policies

Sanders Didn’t Say*


What can we make of the leftist hatred of the Koch brothers, David and his elder brother Charles? For their support of libertarian and Tea Party causes, and a few Republican candidates, the left doesn’t just demonize them, the left singles them out.

I suppose a reasonable person could blanch at rich people giving money to political causes … if they objected to all super-​rich donors.

But that’s not what’s happening here.

Leftist hatred of the Kochs is especially weird, considering that Koch causes include gay marriage and opposition to war in the mid-​East. And yet it’s the Kochs who get called out … by Bernie Sanders, who wants to mobilize “millions of people to say ‘enough is enough — Koch brothers and millionaires can’t have it all.’”

Sanders didn’t say, “Soros and millionaires cannot have it all.” Leftist billionaire George Soros gives millions to organizations working to turn the U. S. into a European-​style “social democracy.”

Sanders didn’t say, “Bloomberg and millionaires cannot have it all.” Super-​rich statist Michael Bloomberg has spent fortunes to undermine the Second Amendment and make America more of a Nanny State.

Sanders didn’t say, “Steyer and millionaires cannot have it all.” California billionaire Tom Steyer sure spent a lot of money to raise taxes and elect Democrats.

Bernie Sanders, a self-​proclaimed socialist now running for the Democratic presidential nomination, is blinkered: others are greedy; his side is pure.

Enough is enough — what’s important to Sanders is that his opponents be silenced by government order. There’s nothing democratic about that.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Bernie Sanders


* This “BEST OF COMMON SENSE” column is reprinted from April 30, 2015. It has a strange relevance now that left-​of-​center pressure groups, a few of them funded in the past by billionaires not named Koch, have gotten themselves in the news for “protests” designed to take away the free speech rights (and made a mockery of “peaceably assemble”) of people they do not like. Please also see Paul Jacob’s Townhall column this weekend.


6 replies on “Sanders Didn’t Say*”

Bernie has everyone believing he’s just some nice old guy. But he’s really a wolf in sheep’s clothing like all the rest, only more so. Nice points about how the left-​sociopaths like to go after specific targets of their hatred. I think readers will also appreciate today
s Jon Rappoport’s column’s comments regarding the realities of socialism: https://​jonrappoport​.wordpress​.com/​2​0​1​6​/​0​3​/​1​4​/​n​e​t​f​l​i​x​-​h​o​u​s​e​-​o​f​-​c​a​r​d​s​-​p​o​l​i​t​i​c​s​-​w​i​t​h​o​u​t​-​r​e​d​e​mption/

What can I tell you? I’ve been saying this for YEARS (not necessarily about Bernie). The hypocrisy of the Left truly has no bounds: WE’RE good, THEY’RE bad. So whatever WE do is justified because THEY’RE WRONG!

If the new tactic of leftist “activists” to shut down Donald Trump on the grounds that he “encourages racism” and blames any violence at his rallies on him and his “violent rhetoric” succeeds, say hello to President Hillary. “Here’s to the new Boss. Same as the old Boss”…

Once again you’re “hitting centers,” Paul! I am constantly trying to point out things like this to my “progressive” friends. Bernie has some issues very much correct; this is unfortunately not one of them where his true intentions come to the surface. He truly does not “hate the rich” but only seeks to use his rich allies to advance an agenda.

The “money in politics” issue that nobody, including Bernie Sanders, is talking about, is all the money spent by GOVERNMENT ITSELF to influence public opinion.
It’s happening at all levels of government, federal, state, and local.

Every professional “spokesperson”, every public relations budget, every glowing press release or ribbon-​cutting event ginned up by some politician, agency, or department – all of these things are government using OUR money, the revenues stolen in taxes, fees and so on from we the people, to try to convince us what a good job they are doing, with the implicit goal of getting us to trust them with more money, power, and control over our lives. And what’s most ironic? It isn’t working. They’re doing such a horrible job that despite this massive amount of government PR spending, public faith and trust in government is lower than ever.

The counterarguments 1) the Kochs and other rich supporters of Republican and conservative causes spend billions, while the 3 lefties you mention, just a few millions, and 2) their spending is self-​interested, designed to make or save them money, while the causes the lefties support are selfless.  You’ve got to go a little deeper than this to convince anyone not already in the choir.

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