
Townhall: Stupid or … Worse?


It’s the corruption, stupid — not the stupidity. This weekend at Townhall, what is our biggest problem? Click on over, then come back here:

3 replies on “Townhall: Stupid or … Worse?”

Too many broken links at the Alabama referenced site to be taken serious…


It’s the nature of our instant education society. The deeper you dig the more empty space you find. Kinda like a CT Scan on the progressive brain.

This could be a game changer. Unfortunately, I have little confidence that any one other than Cruz, Trump and Fiori a would be interested in running with this message. For Cruz, this a powerful link to all of us dissatisfied and disconnected voters. I remain undecided, however Cruz is the sole elected contender who has shown little regard for current batch of power brokers.the pay amendment is attractive, however, would be a step too far at this time. After all, it took a Constitutional amendment in Alabama, not the Governor or those elected to “represent” We The People. 

What you are defining is perversion and usurpation, not stupidity or corruption of the common variety. 
The problem is the governments, elected officials and high appointees are of the belief they are doing “good”. This regardless of the fact that the methods employed are immoral and illegal for any of the ordinary citizens as well as the government, which cannot have any power greater than the citizens, as all of its powers were granted and delegated to them by “We The People”, and you cannot delegate any power you do not possess. 

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