
Videos: Heaven Knows Mr. Bloomberg


With Michael Bloomberg announcing his coming ascension into heaven, we offer a multimedia retrospective on the former mayor, now self-​appointed saint.

CNBC: Michael Bloomberg Says He Has Earned His Place In Heaven


Reason: The Mike Bloomberg Legacy: 12 Years of Little Tyrannies

Bloomberg’s record on term limits:


The Mayor won’t answer a question about term limits:

The Mayor is heckled: “Why are you here?”

NY Times: Bloomberg Wins 3rd Term as Mayor in Unexpectedly Close Race

The billionaire mayor had poured $90 million of his own fortune into the race, a sum without equal in the history of municipal politics that gave him a 14-​to‑1 advantage in campaign spending. 

George Will on ABC’s “This Week”: Bloomberg thinks “we own you”

NT Times: Bloomberg’s Soda Ban Explained, Sort Of

Awkwafina: “Mayor Bloomberg (Giant Margaritas)”


Common Sense with Paul Jacob: Michael Bloomberg

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