Document: Eyman’s Email

retrieved & archived 12/​17/​2017

We’re Fighting for Taxpayers!

Voters Want More Choices

Over $35.85 billion in tax savings so far

We’re fighting for taxpayers!

AMAZING COMPARISON: 5 sessions with the 2/​3‑for-​taxes rule, 5 sessions w/​out Without the 2/​3 rule, we’re getting taxed to the max.

It’s an amazing real-​world comparison that’s easily quantifiable.

In 2007, the voters overwhelmingly passed our Initiative 960 which required a 2/​3 vote of the Legislature to raise taxes. Despite supermajorities in the House and Senate, Democrats didn’t raise a single tax in 2008 and 2009 because the 2/​3 rule was in effect. In 2010, they suspended the 2/​3 rule and raised taxes $6.7 billion (over 10 years). Voters reinstated the 2/​3 rule in 2010 with our Initiative 1053. In 2011, there were no tax increases. And in 2012, there were 2 small tax increases costing taxpayers $194 million (over 10 years) and voters responded by reemphasizing their support for the 2/​3 rule by passing our Initiative 1185 in 2012.

So with the 2/​3 rule in effect from 2008 – 2012, those 5 legislative sessions cost the taxpayers $6.894 billion.

In early 2013, the state supreme court reversed 20 years of judicial precedent and overturned the voters repeated decision to have the 2/​3 rule.

What’s happened since then?

In 2013, they did 5 tax increases costing us $ 877,500,000.

In 2014, they did 2 tax increases costing us $ 26,201,000.

In 2015, they did 4 tax increases costing us $ 5,173,000,000.

In 2016, they did 2 tax increases costing us $ 2,000,000.

In 2017, they did 3 tax increases costing us $17,600,000,000.

So WITHOUT the 2/​3 rule, those 5 legislative sessions cost the taxpayers $23.679 billion.

So around $7 billion in higher taxes with the 2/​3 rule, around $24 billion without it.

What does this show?

Olympia can’t restrain itself. They just can’t. Without the fiscal discipline imposed by citizen initiatives, politicians cannot hold back.

It’s why our efforts are so important. It’s why your continued support is so critical.

We’re working super hard to Bring Back Our $30 Tabs and stick it to Sound Transit — here’s two ways you can help us:

1) ask for petitions and help collect signatures (collect 1000+ signatures and earn yourself an uber-​orange $30 Tabs t‑shirt – John Berry and other Ironing Board brigade members who’ve been diligently getting signatures at the Pierce County Annex recently earned them).

2) donate (just think about how much you’ve saved over the years from our other two successful $30 Tabs Initiatives).

The people are clearly on our side:

The end of December deadline for signatures is fast approaching so we need all hands on deck.

DO WHAT THESE SUPPORTERS HAVE DONE: Get a bunch of petitions. Just hit “reply” to this email and let me know how many petitions you want, your address, and your phone number. I will find an Office Depot, Staples, Minuteman Press, or Kinko’s near you, order the petitions for you, and all you need to do is pick them up. You can get 3 petitions for less than a $1. You can get 10 petitions for less than $3. You can get 100 petitions for $30. They’re dirt cheap with super fast turnaround. You can pick up your petitions in an hour. It is a petition distribution revolution that more and more supporters across the state are taking advantage of.

Please contact me RIGHT NOW (tim_​eyman@​comcast.​net, cell: 509 – 991-​5295) — I’m ready to help.

The greatest threat to this statewide signature drive is OVERCONFIDENCE. Having qualified 16 initiatives for a statewide public vote over the years, we’ve made it seem easy. It’s not. It’s really tough. The only way we’re gonna make it is with a massive grassroots effort where everyone across the state helps.

If you want to stick it to Sound Transit by Bringing Back Our $30 Tabs for everyone in the state of Washington (for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, motorcycles, motor homes, RVs, 5th wheels, and other vehicles), then please send us a donation for $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500, $5000 or more (there are no limits on how much can be given). You can go to our website right now www​.VotersWantMoreChoices​.com  and make a secure on-​line contribution by PayPal or VISA or M/​C. OR, you can print this form, fill it out, and return it with a check or credit card information.

We’ve done so many amazing things over the past 18 years, but that’s only been possible thanks to successful benefactors like you. We ask you to please help us help taxpayers.

Please donate TODAY.

Thank you.


Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, & Mike Fagan, Fighting for Taxpayers for 18 years, 425 – 493-​9127tim_eyman@comcas

P.S. There are thousands of politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and special interest groups working each and every day to raise your taxes. Shouldn’t there be at least one person, one team, one organization that fights to lower your taxes? Please help us so we can continue our successful efforts on behalf of taxpayers.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Benjamin Franklin

Over $35.85 billion in tax savings so far

We’re fighting for taxpayers!