Common Sense

There They Go Again

The payroll taxes taken out of our checks for Social Security are a big bite. Most of us pay more in payroll taxes than in federal income taxes, state taxes, or virtually any of our monthly bills.

Politicians preach that Social Security is a sacred trust with the people. What phony baloney! If Social Security is a trust, that trust has been shattered by career politicians.

Year in, year out, budget after budget, they raid the money taken from the mouths of your family and mine, and fritter it away on one failed program or another. But folks in Washington promised that this year would be different. Social Security would be placed in a “lock-​box,” not to be touched.

Well, there they go again. Another promise that lasted about 5 seconds. With Congress passing so-​called emergency spending bills and the president calling for even more, it seems very easy to get the keys to that lock-​box lately.

The only folks in Congress serious about standing up against this flim-​flam are those who have limited their terms. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma is battling both parties to hold the line against a new round of wasteful spending. Mark Sanford of South Carolina is working to put your Social Security dollars under your control and out of the reach of spendaholic politicians. The professional politicians will continue to defraud taxpayers until Social Security goes belly-​up or the payroll taxes smother future generations.

The small band of citizen legislators like Coburn and Sanford need your help to stop this madness.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Something’s Rotten in Washington

Something’s rotten in Washington. We’re learning that government agencies hid evidence and obstructed justice in the aftermath of the 1993 siege in Waco, Texas a siege that left 80 people dead.

The apparent cover-​up is a further tragedy on top of the grisly body count of women and children who were part of a religious sect that, whether good or bad, never harmed anyone else.

Who is to blame? Joseph DiGenova, a former independent counsel, says, “A fish rots from the head,” clearly implicating President Clinton for creating a climate that says the rules can be bent or broken.

How about Attorney General Janet Reno? After the death toll in Waco, she said she takes full responsibility. Words. Just words.

Not only is something rotten in Washington, much of Washington is rotten.

Attorney Gerry Spence says that the lesson from Waco is that if the government wants to get you, they will. That’s frightening, and the actions of the Justice Department and the FBI hardly refute the point. Even in a free country, the government can deprive us of our liberties, and even our lives.

But in a free society, when such things happen, our elected officials and those they appoint are supposed to be held accountable. And those who commit these acts are supposed to get prosecuted, not promoted. The situation will not change with the same political hacks who brought us to this pass.

There is a tide in the affairs of men. We need new people more than ever. Our Republic is at stake.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Their Own Private Idaho

What if they held an election and nobody came? Terrible, right? What if they held an election and lots of people came, but the politicians ignored us? Worse.

What if they held two elections and the people came out in droves, two separate times on the same issue, and the politicians still told them “get lost!”? That would be Idaho.

The people of Idaho went to the polls in 1994 and placed term limits on their state legislators and local office holders. Instead of accepting this vote of the people, the legislators introduced bills to repeal term limits.

But too many representatives were scared the public backlash might cost them their seats. So they placed a very confusing measure on the ballot to try to fool the people into voting down term limits. The voters saw through it.Even then, still more bills were introduced to repeal the term limits law.

One of the reasons Idaho politicians think they can get away with snubbing their noses at the people they’re supposed to be working for is the terrible lack of competition for legislative seats. The advantages of incumbency have meant that most of the legislators face no serious opposition.

Idaho politicians won’t get away with it. Activist Donna Weaver and a group of supporters around the state are committed to a political process that’s open to the people. The politicians have launched unprecedented and mean-​spirited attacks on these patriotic citizens, but Weaver and company won’t budge from their stance that this beautiful state isn’t the politicians’ own private Idaho.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Slick Tillie

Congresswoman Tillie Fowler won’t ‘fess up.

In 1992, Councilwoman Fowler supported a local term limits measure that passed with an 82 percent vote. She also endorsed the Florida term limits law dubbed “Eight is Enough” that passed with 77 percent. She ran for Congress that year and pledged to serve no more than 8 years. She won.

When she first got to Capitol Hill, Fowler insisted on the floor of Congress, “I am committed to adhere to the 8‑year term limit if my voters choose to keep me here that long.” Last year Congresswoman Fowler reaffirmed her pledge saying, “My commitment remains. The 1998 election will be my last, and, should I win another term in 1998, I will retire from the House.”

Pretty darn clear.

But after the ’98 election, rumors started to make the rounds that she would break her pledge. When a public firestorm ensued, Fowler claimed she hadn’t made up her mind. Good people keep their word; bad people break their word. Mrs. Fowler can’t make up her mind.

Her hometown paper now refers to her as “Slick Tillie.” Fowler told USA Today that being in a minor leadership role in Congress has given her “a more open mind on term limits.” When folks in Washington speak of having an open mind it usually signals that all their good sense has fallen out.

At one point, Fowler even said that perhaps she had been “too honest” with people. Too honest? Nice trick, but Slick Tillie, tricks are for career politicians.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

How to Become a Minority Party

Remember the Republican Revolution?

In 1994 Republicans swept into power on a platform of reform. They would clean up an out of touch Congress they said. They agreed to abide by the same laws they pass for everyone else and enact term limits on committee chairman and on Congress as a whole. Republican congressional leaders told us they would usher in a revolution.

At first, things really looked up. They placed Congress under the laws the rest of us live by. Term limits were passed on committee chairs.

But six years later the revolution never happened.

The laws don’t really apply to Congress as they do to you and me. Hundreds of special exemptions have been granted to members of Congress. Speaker Hastert has also decided that chairmen can simply trade their committees between themselves and hang on to power. Term-​limited Rep. Van Hilleary of Tennessee complains, “Now that we’re in the majority the Republican Party doesn’t seem to be interested in [term limits] anymore.“Entrenched Republican incumbents are acting just like the old Democrats.

Some good did come. There are members of Congress, and they’re mostly Republicans, who have voluntarily limited their time in Washington, because they truly believe in a citizen legislature. These members have been a breath of fresh air doing what they believe is right and not playing the usual political games. They could write a book on how to be effective in Washington without selling your soul.

But the GOP leadership is another story. They’re writing a very different book, “How to Become a Minority Party.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

The Political Traffic Jam

It’s hard to get where you’re going these days. You’re stuck in traffic. Why? Career politicians and their special interest cronies. They’re afraid of competition, afraid of new ideas. So the government continues to run the transportation business. Even though they do a lousy job and you’re stuck in traffic.

The career politicians and their special interest cronies are happy. The politicians get to control a key sector of the economy. They get to rake in campaign contributions from special interests get special favors. When it comes to traffic, solutions that could help you get from here to there are oftentimes illegal. All over the country, various transportation monopolies are protected by law from competition. In many cities, vans are outlawed by politicians in league with the taxi cab companies.

Transportation bills in Congress are loaded, not with solutions, but with political pork. But it’s tough politically to do something about it. Career politicians don’t like new ideas, because they actually benefit from old power structures. Drivers and commuters lose out, unless they hire lobbyists of their own. We pay all kinds of fees and taxes that are supposed to be spent on transportation. Problem is political whims determine where that money goes, not the actual needs and wants of consumers.

Politics is making real transportation solutions illegal. We need new ideas and new people in power to change the rules. The first traffic jam we have to break up is the monopoly of career politicians.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.