Common Sense

California Post-​Davis

Many readers have said to me, it’s great that California voters kicked Governor Gray Davis out of office. But unless the policies change, California will still end up falling into the sea. Much as I agree with my own argument that it was virtually impossible for Californians to do worse than Davis, I certainly also agree that policies must change.

Many areas deserve attention, but one of the most important is the state’s attitude toward business. Inhospitable, to say the least. It’s time to reverse the political animosity toward earning a living and helping other people make a living. In an article for the magazine Ideas on Liberty , Steven Greenhut explains why so many businessmen are seeking greener pastures across state lines. He tells how Coast Converters, a plastic-​bag manufacturer, had to shut its doors and flee to Nevada, where the company will be hailed rather than harried.

At a press conference, chairman Michael Greif said he didn’t want to leave California but that “as a businessman I have no choice. If I stay in California I will be subject to more punitive taxes and fees that will eventually force me to cut jobs. Instead our workers are moving with the factory to Nevada where I will save $800,000 annually in taxes, insurance, workers compensation, and onerous regulations.” Other businesses tell the same story.

Can Governor Schwarzenegger terminate the bad policies of the past? He can if he doesn’t allow the legislature to be the last word. First thing to do, take that veto pen out of cold storage.

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Fat Skinny People

I never worried much about whether Americans were getting fatter. Only whether I was getting fatter. Yes, I was. Oh, don’t worry, don’t call the ambulance or anything. It was only a few pounds and then I started trimming it by eating lousy-​tasting stuff instead of good-​tasting stuff. Also by jogging. Well, I stopped jogging and started eating cake and cookies again, but the point is I could get thin again in a flash.

Two recent stories talk about how Americans are getting thinner, and … also fatter. One headline says, “Study Finds Americans Starting to Lose Weight.” The other says “Americans Getting Even Fatter.” I think the disparity has to do with how the samples are picked and over what period of time. Americans are no doubt fatter than we were back in the day certainly fatter than people in third-​world countries who have trouble getting enough food. At the same time, most of us Americans get to live into our 70s. For the same reason we’re so fat: we’re so rich. Which also gives us time to exercise. You know, exercise is the best diet: if you burn more calories than you take in, you lose pounds. It all boils down to a simple scientific equation.

Is our fattiness a problem? Well, not for me I can lose the pounds in a snap. It is a problem if I have to start paying for somebody else’s fat problem. We’re turning into a nanny society, which does worry me. Heck, soon we’ll have people suing McDonald’s for allegedly making people fat. Oops … can’t predict that any more. It’s already happened.

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Experienced in Pork

Boy, they sure are experienced up there on Capitol Hill. Expert career politician Henry Hyde once denigrated the concept of term limits by claiming that the only alternative to permanently entrenched politicians was to pluck the names of representatives at random out of the phonebook. Recently we’ve had a couple congressmen real pros, not refugees from the phone book demonstrating their expertise in the game of pork.

Porkbarrel projects are projects that congressmen want for their state or district to help them politically. Senator John McCain, who presents himself as an opponent of pork, has just managed to get $14.3 million for the Luke Air Force Base added to the military appropriations bill. The money is wanted to add land to the base. But as Roll Call points out, the project was neither requested by the White House nor authorized by the Armed Services committee.

Absent these, the spending fits McCain’s own definition of a pork project. And yes, these kinds of self-​serving, last-​minute spending additions to appropriations bills certainly meet my own definition of pork too. The chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Republican Ted Stevens, doesn’t hesitate to add this prime chop to his spending agenda. Stevens has fought McCain’s attempts to kill pork projects in the past. But now he is magnanimous. Mainly, it’s so he can gloat. Says Stevens: “One man’s pork is another man’s alternate white meat. We don’t discriminate,” he says.

They’ll spend anything. That’s experience for you. Where’s that phonebook?

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Recall Vladimir

What’s going on in Russia? It’s starting to look like the Soviet Union again. In some respects it probably never changed, but this isn’t exactly a step forward. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrested a wealthy businessman, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who also happened to be a political opponent of Vladimir Putin. The arrest was made in the most obnoxious manner possible, with masked Fedskies storming the businessman’s private plane. The government even seized a chunk of the stock of Khodorkovsky’s company, Yukos Oil.

The thug-​like actions aren’t exactly reassuring to Russia’s stock markets. Or Russian businessmen. “Shut up or be shut down” is not a reassuring message. Or a liberalizing one. It’s possible Khodorkovsky is guilty of shady dealings. But some reports suggest that his business operation is one of the most open in Russia. What we do know is that Khodorkovsky had traded sharp words with Putin at a meeting a few months ago, complaining about corruption in the sale of an oil company to the Russian government. And Putin hasn’t done anything to allay the impression that this is a political counter-​strike. Russian politicians of every ideological stripe have denounced it for being just that. This is bad stuff.

Ordinary Russians with no assets to loot should complain as best they can. Too bad they don’t also have the power to recall their president. The good news is all the public complaining already about Putin’s action. Even his own prime minister has gone on TV to question the move. Fifteen years ago, you wouldn’t have seen that kind of opposition in Russia.

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Hasty Speeding Tickets

It’s the American Automobile Association to the rescue yet again. I hope. Lon Anderson, who does public relations work for AAA Mid-​Atlantic, suggests that maybe speeding-​ticket cameras should be getting tickets themselves. They are too fast on the draw. And they’re too often being used to bring in revenue rather than to improve safety.

An example is good old Washington, DC, near where I live. Between August of 1999 and June of this year, DC collected almost $22 million in fines as a result of citations generated by red-​light cameras. Then there are the citations issued by photo-​radar cameras. Which brought in another $30 million during that time. Most of the citations get sent to hapless drivers who run the red light by just fractions of a second. Sometimes the yellow light is on for only a few seconds, and then what’s the motorist supposed to do as it flips to red while he’s in the middle of an intersection? Screech to a halt?

The district is using the cameras to generate revenue, and Mayor Williams admits it. So the AAA no longer supports the district’s use of them. Anderson says, “The truth appears to be that we are not interested in just nabbing the egregious violators it’s the blink-​of-​an-​eye violator, it’s the unintentionals, that bring in the big bucks. I think we ought to be out to catch the bona fide red-​light runners who are threatening our lives.”

Let’s hope City Hall brings this program to the shop for an overhaul. Or maybe it should go straight to the scrap heap.

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

ideological culture

Scary Halloween

Halloween was even scarier than usual this year, at least for the kids in one Maryland neighborhood. Sit around the campfire, little ones, and let me tell you all about it.

As you may know, obesity is being called a disease these days. People are said to be putting their lives at risk if they indulge in a Nestle’s Crunch or a McDonald’s hamburger. Nothing against careful eating habits, but there’s nothing catastrophic about a heaping of junk food once in a while.

Fortunately, the Halloween ritual of costumed kids going around extracting candy from neighbors continued this year as usual. But the kids in Takoma Park, Maryland, got an extra fright when they came to the home of Michael Tabor.

Tabor is a politically correct hater of Ronald McDonald who warbles that candy is nothing less than rat poison. The Washington Post reports that Tabor was on a nutritional mission this Halloween. When the kids came to his door, he adopted the terrifying guise of dietary hobgoblin. Harangued the kids about the evils of candy and warned that chocolate could cause could cost them a limb. Then offered a choice: a boring apple, or the usual chocolate kids love. His wife kept a tally. A few kids picked the apple, poor doomed souls. But so many just picked the candy despite Tabor’s ghoulish harangue that his wife finally stopped counting.

Tabor says if he had given kids a choice between one kind of apple and another, then they would have picked an apple. Yeah, probably. Wow, that was scary, wasn’t it, kids?

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.