Hundreds of millions of dollars in unfunded pensions. The full story from Reason TV:
Category: video
Video: A Wooden Horse in Arkansas
The most dishonest ballot measure in America is one from my former home state of Arkansas. Watch this short video featuring Bob Porto, co-chair of Arkansas Term Limits, explaining why this 22-page-long amendment to the state constitution is a “Trojan Horse.” His group has been touring the state with a rather large symbolic horse to dramatize the danger of Issue 3.
The mobile horse symbol was donated to Arkansas Term Limits by Liberty Initiative Fund. I warn about Issue 3 in more detail here.
Video: The Honest Person in the Race
A conversation with the candidate for governor of Florida who doesn’t sport an R or a D after his name:
Video: Grading the Governors
Who gets the A’s, who gets the F’s:
Video: The Long Con in Arkansas
A video about three legislature-referred ballot measures in Arkansas, one of which, Issue 3, is NOT like the others. Video courtesy of Paul Jacob.
Video: Hong Kong Student Protest Organizer
A 17-year-old activist explains the protests in Hong Kong, making the case for basic democratic rights.