by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Nobody Believes…

As folks in the news media increasingly reveal themselves to be lying shills for an establishment itself decreasingly truthful, what are the consequences?

This Week in Common Sense for July 24 – 28, 2023.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Praising John Kerry

The very idea may make you quiver, but Paul Jacob eases you into the idea.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: “…We’re Taking the Whole World With Us!”

It is a beleaguered world. And this was a podcast fraught with technical problems, yet it turned out pretty good. So maybe there is, generally, hope?

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Variations on Anathema

This was mainly a “good news” week, but there remains plenty in the world to anathematize:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: They’re Experts on Nothing!

You know who we are talking about: our legislators.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: How to Set Up a Dictator

It is almost as if our leaders are trying to ram tyranny down our throats: