by Paul Jacob video

Watch: “…We’re Taking the Whole World With Us!”

It is a beleaguered world. And this was a podcast fraught with technical problems, yet it turned out pretty good. So maybe there is, generally, hope?

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Variations on Anathema

This was mainly a “good news” week, but there remains plenty in the world to anathematize:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: They’re Experts on Nothing!

You know who we are talking about: our legislators.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: How to Set Up a Dictator

It is almost as if our leaders are trying to ram tyranny down our throats:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Be Smart

Some disagreement about Joe Biden’s latest, and agreement on much else:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: It Ceases to Be a Civilization

Paul looks at a fundamental problem with the current course of our society: the disrespect for property rights, and upholding a rule of law.