Update video

The Deep State’s Long History FOR & AGAINST Free Speech

On this website we have covered government involvement in tech company censorship for a long time. Readers should not miss Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Mike Benz, who goes into significant detail, and with some new information and a perhaps-​startlingly wide perspective:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Keep Taiwan Free

Paul no longer produces his weekly “weekend wrap-​up” podcast, This Week in Common Sense. But he still has something to say. This is the video of the talk shared on audio yesterday:

Please go to StopTheChinazis​.org for more information.

by Paul Jacob video

Why Should Americans Defend Taiwan?

Paul Jacob is in Taiwan right now, so the question is on his mind. He has a few answers. And you have a few options:

  1. Listen to his talk on SoundCloud (where his podcasts were hosted).
  2. Watch the talk on StoptheChinazis​.org.
  3. Go to Facebook to watch the video or chat about it with your social media contacts.
  4. Watch it below; comment on it below: 
satire (meme) video

Watch: Voltaire’s NSFW Christmas Message

“Make my enemies ridiculous”:

Watch on Rumble: https://​rumble​.com/​v​4​3​7​k​r​c​-​v​o​l​t​a​i​r​e​s​-​n​s​f​w​-​c​h​r​i​s​t​m​a​s​-​m​e​s​s​a​ge.html

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Against “Leftards” — and FOR Freedom of Speech

Free speech continues to recur as a major theme on this site. And no wonder: it’s under attack. But there is indeed more to it than that:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Cleaning It Up, Tyrant-Style

The grey eminence looming over San Francisco is Xi Jinping?