
J.H. Levy

Our intellectual and moral natures come into play only when we discriminate and decide for ourselves. Just so far as this discrimination and decision are taken away from us, we are deprived of the most essential element of our manhood and womanhood, and are turned into mere tools propelled from without. That any community can, in the long run, gain by thus dwarfing and paralyzing the humanity of its members — that we could long succeed, even for administrative purposes, under such a system, is the notion of a moral spendthrift.

Joseph Hiam Levy, The Outcome of Individualism (Third Edition, 1892).

Lord Acton

It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but it is worse to be oppressed by a majority. For there is a reserve of latent power in the masses which, if it is called into play, the minority can seldom resist.

Lord Acton, “The History of Freedom in Antiquity,” 1877.


Thomas Paine

Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.


Frank Lloyd Wright

Toleration and liberty are the foundations of a great republic.


Rose Wilder Lane

Freedom is the nature of man; every person is self-controlling and himself responsible for his thoughts, his speech, his acts.

Rose Wilder Lane, Discovery of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority (1943).

Jean-Baptiste Say

A tax can never be favorable to the public welfare, except by the good use that is made of its proceeds.

J.-B. Say, A Treatise On Political Economy (Fourth Edition, 1832), Chapter XVII, Section I, p. 168.