
Townhall: Beyond the Gloatfest

There’s a certain amount of self-​righteous gloating that goes on, left vs. right, in America today. That’s inevitable. But viewing from just one perspective is surely an error. This weekend’s Common Sense column over at Townhall​.com takes a cautious look at the biases below the surface.

Click on over, and then come back for more reading.

Note, though there are a number of links in the article, a few more are worth looking at:


Townhall: ‘Inappropriate’ Rights Violations in Obama’s ‘Democracy’

This weekend’s Common Sense column over at Townhall​.com is about those awful Nixonian reactionaries who use government to suppress opposition and help establish fascist right-​wing government here in America.

Oops. No, it isn’t. It’s about those awful Obamanian “progressives” using government to suppress opposition and help establish etc. etc.

Click on over to Townhall for the scoop. Come back here for a few extra scoops.


Townhall: The Significance of Persistent Guantanamo

Talk is cheap. And hey: this weekend’s Common Sense column over at Townhall​.com is free!

But the president’s sanctimonious talk is cheaper yet, because his actions are about everything but high-​minded principles. Including freedom.

Click on over to the column, and then come back here for more links to more reading.


Townhall: 33 Billion Balloons in a Strange Land

So, what country are we living in, today? Well, it’s explicable, if absurd — explicable in terms of the old “Cui bono” idea, of incentives and disincentives; absurd because of … well, click on over to Townhall​.com, read this weekend’s Common Sense column, and see. Then come back here for further limning of the absurdist status quo.:


Townhall: When in doubt, try a little democracy

Over at Townhall​.com, the weekend Common Sense column goes west. You go there, and then come back here to be steered in the right direction:


Townhall: A different path toward limited terms

Over at Townhall​.com, the most recent Common Sense column explores recent legislative chicanery on a subject near and dear to Paul Jacob and to many of his readers: term limits. And yes, Republicans are finding ways of making their party less significant, less electable. The enemy is not just the Democratic Party. Not by a long shot.

Stop on over, then come back here for some extra reading: