education and schooling First Amendment rights

XX Marks the Offense

Paul Jacob on educators brooking no dissent.

Educators, used to tyrannizing the young, are too often tempted to turn their powerlust to their charges’ parents. Yesterday, I discussed Michigan educators keeping their curriculum secret from members of their community. Today we turn to the way officials at Bow High School in New Hampshire have treated Kyle Fellers, Anthony Foote, Nicole Foote, and Eldon Rash. 

These parents and a grandparent attended a girls’ soccer game while non-​disruptively wearing wristbands labeled XX to protest a policy allowing a boy to play on the opposing team. The “XX” refers to the sex chromosomes of females.

Because Fellers, Foote, Foote, and Rash wore the wrong apparel, school officials and a police officer told them to remove the wristbands or leave. When they refused, the school scolders threatened them with arrest for “trespassing.”

For attending a game where their kids were playing?

The school later banned two of the wristband-​wearers from school grounds and events, among other things making it harder for them to pick up their kids after a game.

“The idea that I would be censored and threatened with removal from a public event for standing by my convictions is not just a personal affront — it is an infringement of the very rights I swore to defend,” says Andy Foote, who has a long career in the Army under his belt.

Now, with the help of the Institute for Free Speech, the renegade wristband-​wearers are suing the school in hopes that it will, on First Amendment grounds, be enjoined from restricting “nondisruptive expression of political or social views at extracurricular events.…”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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3 replies on “XX Marks the Offense”

New Hampshire? The state whose motto is ‘live free or die’? They might as well change it to ‘Get Woke or die’. Free speech appears to be on a death watch in The Granite State.

This is but another example[le of just how the Democrat progressive Far Left political agenda has gone in defiling our Constitution and the First Amendment. That the wearers of the XX have to sue to express and confirm their “rights” is both absurd and very frightening.
This should NEVER have happened. The arrest of the wearers or the boys playing on girls sports. Absurd. Then just plain stupid.

I do pray this school, this government indoctrination center, lives to regret this tyrannical overstepping of parental rights. They fit right in with governor whitchmer’s overstepping of citizen’s rights.

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