insider corruption media and media people national politics & policies

The C‑Word

It’s a truism of popular political discourse: corruption in Washington is endemic.

The fact that so many people who serve in Congress come out far richer than when they went in is testament to the corruption, not selfless service. Studies document how it is done, regulatory regimes monitor the money and a line of cases have put some of the easiest-​to-​nab offenders into the pokey.

Nevertheless, the corruption continues.

Yet, the festering congressional slime may be nothing compared to what’s in the White House.

How the corruption has worked may vary president by president, though. 

Remember that the Clinton clan’s Clinton Foundation was brought out into The Almost Open, in 2015, for all to see (if they wished), which certainly had something to do with the triumph of Donald Trump in 2016. 

The response of the insiders against Trump, however, showed corruption going much deeper. He was attacked throughout his term in office by “his own” agencies, for corruption. And now we know for certain that many of these attacks were without foundation. Just made up.

It is not with the billionaire who left office less wealthy than he entered that official corruption is revealed, but with the ghastly Biden family.

“Sen. Chuck Grassley has accused the FBI of trying to keep quiet,” explains a recent Epoch Times story, about the “information provided by 40 human sources about possible Biden family wrongdoing.”

Though none of this has been proven in a court of law, the brazenness of it all — the corporate board spots, the payments to multiple Biden family members — swamps the senses.  Still, the biggest part of the story remains — elusive. Not because there’s no evidence, but because major media and government agencies simply and continually deny the evidence as it stands, refusing to report or pursue the truth.

Allowing corruption to thrive.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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5 replies on “The C‑Word”

This column shows exactly why neither of the clintons nor President Biden have been indicted for anything, ever. Meanwhile dozens of judges have said that the 45th president lied about the 2020 election. Numerous courts have indicted him on I think it’s 92 charges. So keep this column and others like it coming because as Hillary has demonstrated, you just brush them off. Meanwhile, a majority of Americans hope the 45th president and his minions all go to jail. Pick a side.

A major problem is the size and scope of the federal government. The Bidens are just the latest example of corruption and nepotism in DC. It’s everywhere. The Biden family members getting money deposited in their bank accounts is an in-​your-​face move. Most try to be a little more subtle. Donors hire the family members of officeholders for make-​work jobs at exorbitant salaries. Michelle Obama got a job at a Chicago hospital when Barack was a state legislator. The position was eliminated when she had to leave after Barack Obama was elected president in 2008. What can we call that job other than a political payoff? The job went away when she did. Nancy Pelosi’s husband is an investor. How often do those who are granted government contracts just happen to employ lawmakers’ family members? Nancy Pelosi may not hold stock in companies that do business with DC but her husband does. How much money is her daughter paid for ‘documentaries’ and how much of it comes from government grants? How many political family members become well-​paid lobbyists? It’s not what you know. It’s whom you know. Peter Schweizer has documented many of these familial connections. The Bidens are not unique.

Common sense would have it that if you create a system where less than 550 uninvested persons with no personal risk have the powers to tax and allocate about 25% of the national economy directly, are vested with unlimited borrowing power and can regulate and control the remaining 75% of the economy by force without any competition or countervailing force to limit their actions, then such a concentration of economic power will and must necessarily lead to corruption.
There is no means to “clean up” Washington without reducing its power and neither of the major parties nor any of those in power will ever consider such a course.
Trump and populism have been rejected by those truly in control, leaving the only hope for correction beings the judicial branch’s rediscovery and enforcement of the concepts of the limitations of power, limiting the national government to the specifically enumerated powers, as envisioned by the Republic’s Constitution.
There is little if any hope that will occur.
All powerful governments are always corrupted, it is the nature of humanity and why all governments and empires eventually self destruct.
The United States was a great experiment while it lasted. It can only recover and be sustained by limiting the powers of the federal government, transferring the usurped powers back to the States which then must compete with each other which is the only lasting means of protecting the true sovereigns, the citizens, from those who would be sovereign over them.

Donald Trump is the one who has been indicted for numerous offenses. His lawyers are turning on him. But instead of talking about Drumpf, you talk about Biden. Where is your evidence?

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