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The 2021 Spike

The graph is startling. It shows VAERS reporting numbers in Florida from 2006 through 2022. 

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Little blips of data run along the bottom of the graph through 2020, a year in which there were 2466 reports of negative effects. 

And then came 2021, the year in which mRNA and viral vector vaccines were rolled out in the United States, pushed heavily by the federal government and All Responsible Opinion, subsidized per the dose to the drug companies, as well as by lifting the burden of liability for … adverse effects.

The number of Floridians reporting such adverse effects soon after taking the vaccines spiked to 41,473.

The next year it subsided a bit, but to an otherwise walloping high of 9,104.

“In Florida alone, there was a 1,700% increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-​19 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400% in overall vaccine administration for the same time period,” Florida Health tells us in the online “Health Alert on mRNA COVID-​19 Vaccine Safety,” of February 15. “The reporting of life-​threatening conditions increased over 4,400%. This is a novel increase and was not seen during the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign.”

“Just publish the data; give us the facts,” Dr. John Campbell stated in his online talk on the report. He’s appreciative of the Sunshine State’s newfound transparency: “Well done, State of Florida.”

But nearly all other governments have failed to acknowledge such data much less act on it “in meaningful ways”: “badly done, other 49 states. Badly done, the UK; badly done, Europe; badly done, Canada; badly done, New Zealand, Australia.”

Quite a spike in government “badly dones.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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5 replies on “The 2021 Spike”

H1N1 is a strain of influenza. It’s not COVID. We’ve had influenza vaccines for many years. They’re not mRNA shots. There was a ‘novel increase’ in adverse reactions to the COVID shots because COVID was a novel virus and the technology used to create the jab was not the same one used to create influenza vaccines, so how can the two be compared?.

Pat, I’m not perfectly sure what point you seeks to make. A comparison of costs would, of course, be incomplete; one needs also to compare benefits. But the various costs of any two things are comparable, at least so long as we haven’t attempted to find a scalar measure. And the benefits are likewise comparable. For example, we can do our scientific best to estimate the deaths from COVID-​19 of people had they not received these injections, and compare these to deaths from other illnesses against which genuine vaccines or other injections have been developed. 

SARS-​CoV‑2 is not unprecedented in terms of deaths and other effects; these mRNA vaccines are unprecedented amongst innoculations in terms of various health costs. That poistint alone does not mean that the injections does not mean that the injections brought more cost than benefit. A finer-​grained analysis, however, shows that the attempt to administer the injections universally was insane and would have been insane even if it could have been effected with no coercion.

New vaccine comes out. Government tries to get 300-​odd-​million people to take it, and many do. And adverse event reports go way up from when there weren’t hundreds of millions of people getting vaccinated.

Wow, that sounds REALLY SUSPICIOUS.

Well, your stylized facts again omit much of what is in the released data. (For example, acute cardio-​vascular injuries per capita.)

Let’s discuss the matter in the fashion of scientists, rather than of lawyers or of late-​night comedians.

Let’s not forget that VAERS is vastly under-​reported. Some say by a factor of 40 – 100.
As to the flu shots not being mRNA; that has now changed. Going forward they will *all* contain mRNA.

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