insider corruption Regulating Protest

De-​Licensing the Opposition

Scott Jensen is a family physician and a candidate for governor of Minnesota who opposes counterproductive lockdown measures.

His medical license is being officially investigated — for the fifth time — because of complaints about . . . well, what, exactly?

He has produced a video on the theme of “if it can happen to me, it can happen to you.” Here’s the kind of complaints that instigated the latest fake investigation:

  • Dr. Jensen challenged the validity of President Biden’s national vaccine mandate. Guilty as charged, he says.
  • Dr. Jensen is not vaccinated. “I’m not. I have a plethora of antibodies, because I have recovered from COVID.”
  • Dr. Jensen has opposed mandatory masks for school children. “Last I checked, school boards are making those decisions. I have my opinion, and I’m entitled to it.”
  • Dr. Jensen has promoted the use of ivermectin. “That’s a decision between a patient and a doctor.”
  • Dr. Jensen has “inappropriately” promoted the benefits of natural immunity. “I can run for office if I so choose.”

On the other hand, all this is pretty damning, isn’t it? Dr. Jensen has done perhaps the worst thing that any American can do: uttered opinions. 


I hope, Gentle Reader, that you yourself have never articulated an opinion in mixed company while also being licensed to do whatever it is you do to earn a living. Apparently, in the eyes of some people, these two things don’t mix.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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3 replies on “De-​Licensing the Opposition”

A total abomination, and if adopted generally the end to any further advances in the medical profession. It is the Mavericks and outliers which drive progress. As G B Shaw once stated, a man who makes no mistakes, makes nothing else.
Dr Jenson may be proven right, or wrong, as each of his opinions or treatment selections.
His independent and informed actions and opinions are much preferred by me to the alternative which appears to be medical services to all individuals only in accord to a political party’s line.

We should all bear in mind that devices such as vaccine passports and account cards for state-​controlled digital currencies are effected or planned licenses for activities that used to require no such thing. And, at some stage, such licenses too are to be subject to withdrawal.

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