Common Sense

A Citizen Legislator Talks


These days we are so used to seeing politicians treat our trust with contempt, we almost think it’s wrong to expect otherwise. “What do you mean so-​and-​so is lying and cheating and breaking promises for the sake of perpetuating power?” we tell each other. “He’s a politician! Of course he’s lying and cheating etc. etc. Get real.“But that makes it sound like political leaders don’t have the same control over their actions as the rest of us do. It just ain’t so. I

f you want a nifty antidote to such cynicism, let me recommend a wonderful little book, hot off the press, by Representative Mark Sanford, called The Trust Committed to Me . Mark is a Citizen Legislator who has limited his own terms in office. He tells all about how he took on the career politicians to win his seat, then how he and other citizen legislators fought the good fight against the career politicians once he got to Washington. There are some great stories here. I’ll make you a deal. My outfit, U.S. Term Limits Foundation, will give you this book absolutely free if you contact us right now (until April 1, 2001). That’s right: F‑R-​E‑E. Just call 800 – 733-​6440, give us your name and mailing address, you must mention you heard this offer on Common Sense, and we will mail you a free copy of Representative Sanford’s book. Or click into our web site at www​.termlimits​.org. (Offer good through April 1, 2001.)

Hey, it’s a little late for a Christmas present, but what the heck? You deserve the best.

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

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