government transparency

Do Not Discuss This!

Some stories linger in the background, under-​acknowledged, never really addressed, driving us a bit crazy.

Example? Deficit spending and debt accumulation.

The problems that deficit financing inflicts upon us are many and devastating. We would be a lot wealthier, healthier, and wiser were the federal government not so madly out-​of-​control. We could invest in all sorts of great things, and prices would be more stable, and … and … and …

But what can we do about it?

It’s not obvious. So we don’t talk about it much. 

And the debt only grows, with destructive hyperinflation looming as an ever-​increasing danger.

The other under-​discussed story is even more disturbing — so we ignore it even more studiously.

Within the last several years headlines in The New York Times and on TV have covered it, yet … very few people talk about it, despite the startling revelations.

The issue? UFOs — a strange subject at face value, which, once you poke into it, gets even weirder.

We level-​headed yokels used to deny the existence of UFOs, but now the Pentagon has confirmed their persistent plaguing of Navy jets and seacraft, and the Army has acknowledged its ongoing study of UFO-​derived “meta-​materials.”*

In June, the Senate will be briefed on the subject, per instructions in a recent stimulus bill. (Which brings us back to our first blank-​out issue.) Meanwhile, as we wait for what could be big news, new revelations of repeated incursions by UFOs against a Navy fleet 100 miles off the California coast back in 2019 appear in specialty media** but barely make a ripple in major media.

Wait — Fox just featured a segment on a Pentagon confirmation of flying pyramids!

Will we make headway on UFOs before the debt?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

 * French scientist and UFO researcher Jacques Vallee is also engaged in research on UFO-​site-​retrieved mystery alloys.

** See Richard Dolan discuss these recent Channel Island incursions, based chiefly on the report in The Warzone.

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previously on Common Sense with Paul Jacob:

It’s Aliens (May 30, 2019

The Whys Behind the Whats (June 25, 2019)

Stranger Things 2019 (January 2, 2020

Two Conspiracies Unearthed (December 10, 2020

Why We Still Live (December 18, 2020

3 replies on “Do Not Discuss This!”

Progress will be made on the debt only when we run out of other people’s money. Congress can’t even eliminate the deficit, so forget about paying off existing debt.

As for UFOs, they may exist, but that doesn’t mean they are extraterrestrial in nature. No reason not to discuss them. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object.
That could be anything from a small drone “kinda” seen on a foggy night, to an alien invasion. (The outer space kind, not the southern border kind).

These seem like a convenient distraction from outrageous debt and spending. But yes, unidentified doesn’t mean aliens.

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