Common Sense

Five Cents Please


Do you use the Internet? Do you like sending super-​fast email for a super-​low price: nothin’? I sure do. It’s a great way to keep in touch with folks. Of course, half the time my Internet connection is down, but that’s another story. Whenever I am able to use my email, it’s fabulous. Wonderful. Love it. But wait. Now rumor has it that the government wants to charge you 5 cents tax for every electronic missive you send. What!! Those robber barons of the treasury! Say it ain’t so, Joe!

Well, it ain’t so. It’s a hoax that’s been floating around the Internet for more than a year. The hoax email says that there’s a federal bill 602P that would empower our federal government to charge 5 cents tax on every email you send. But there is no such bill. Never was and I hope never will be. The interesting thing is, though, that a lot of people who aren’t normally taken in by Internet hoaxes sure fell for this one hook, line, and sinker. Even the candidates for U.S. Senate from New York were fooled. First Lady Hillary Clinton told the reporter moderating their debate, “Based on your description, I wouldn’t vote for that bill,” Rick Lazio echoed the sentiment. “I am absolutely opposed to this,” he said.

For some reason, it just seems so plausible that the career politicians infesting our nation’s capital would try to pull something like this. Now, why might that be?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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