
Tonie Nathan


Our national economy is sick and has been for some time. It requires increasing doses of money to make it function in a manner satisfying to the public. Surely, it is time for the public to face up to the consequences of its expectations. Do we want to end up addicted to paper money to such an extent that productivity ceases and everyone ends up speculating on what few goods and services are left?

Tonie Nathan, “Inflation and Addiction,” Willamette Valley Observer (1977), in On Libertarianism: Historical Notes & Articles (1981).

2 replies on “Tonie Nathan”

“Surely, it is time for the public to face up to the consequences of its expectations.”

And what “expectations” does “the public” have? Who is this “public”? The general population or some unidentified special interest group? ¶

“Do we want to end up addicted to paper money to such an extent that productivity ceases and everyone ends up speculating on what few goods and services are left?” ¶

What “addiction”? What does “paper money” do which wooden, metal, or plastic, money cannot? ¶

“Money” was invented for a purpose; that purpose will not go away simply because some people lose sight of what they are doing in the shopping mall. ¶

“Productivity ceases”? Why? How? ¶

Does anyone think that “produce” and products simply appear in the supermarkets, or the delivery trucks, so that “wage slaves” are then able to put these things out on the shop floor? ¶

Who is able to refuse employment? Who can retain employment by sitting in the staff room and doing nothing? Not even management, administrators, and politicians, are that indolent. It is this which is the problem, not “public expectations”.

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