
Townhall: Toiletarianism — Safe Spaces Flushed


This week at Townhall, an expansion of Monday’s Common Sense outing … to the outhouse. But whether the question is what is in and what is out, the reality is, WHERE and WHO must decide WHAT goes WHERE and WHY.

Click on over. Then come back here for an advanced education.

1 reply on “Townhall: Toiletarianism — Safe Spaces Flushed”

POTTY = President Obama The Toiletarian Yahoo

This is not social justice…rather a lynch mob of toileteers from a former listing in the DSM have disregarded their intellects in order to allow their malformed free wills to disrupt the excretory systems of the entire nation until such time that: (a) the lynch mob backs off; (b) the WH Toiletarian leaves office; © Hollywood disses their malformed free wills and begins to use their intellects; (d) a 2nd revolutionary war to fight for the U.S. Constitution.

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